(You can help)
/ Parapente
(Tu peux aider)
© 1998 by Jérôme Daoust (
), version 2024/12/13
Flying skills / Talents de pilotage:
Tips for Paraglider Pilots
Conseils pour Parapentistes
Cross Country Paragliding
by Nikolay Yotov (SkyNomad).
Active Flying
by Karl Slezak
Spanish version,
translated by Hermenegildo (Blog).
Will Gadd:
Bob Drury:
Air Lore
by Greg Hamerton.
Speed to fly:
Mark Thompson, aka Bomber (E-mail):
Instructional paragliding articles
by Jeff Greenbaum.
Guidelines for intending competition pilots
by Jenny Ganderton.
Wing Tips
by Claude Fiset.
Jay Rebbeck: Thermals:
Part 1 - How to Thermal Better,
Part 2 - Getting Up to Speed.
Useful technical solutions
by Jiri Stipek.
Thermalling Tips
by James Freeman.
How to survive thermalling in crowds
by Joe Greblo.
Rob Whittall:
Flying Tips,
Dealing with deflations.
How To Avoid Cloud Suck
by Steve Roti.
XC retrieval tips
by Andre Odinius.
Soaring in a Thermal: Bank Angle, Speed, and Radius
by Larry Bogan.
Aerology / Aérologie:
Launch / Décollage:
Maneuvers / Manoeuvres:
Reserve parachute / Parachute de secours:
Choose the right reserve parachute
by Flybubble.
Basic parachute use... A practical perspective for paraglider pilots
by Betty Pfeiffer.
Packing / Pliage:
Service I offer: Reserve Parachute Repacking Tools.
With packing tabs.
Aeros / OK.
User's manual:
Aeros / SX.
User's manual:
English + German
Airea / Smile.
Gin Gliders / G-Lite.
User's manual:
Gin Gliders / Yeti, One G.
User's manual:
Free Flight Enterprises / PDA, LARA.
User's manual:
High Energy Sports / Quantum.
User's manual:
Icaro / Jet or Limit.
User's manual:
Independence / Annular EVO.
User's manual:
Mac Para / Aegis.
User's manual:
Ozone / Angel V2 (V2 has packing tabs, not V1).
User's manual:
Paratech / PS1.
User's manual:
Skywalk / Pepper 2 Light (same as Gin Gliders / Yeti).
User's manual:
English + German
Sup'Air / Shine.
User's manual:
Sup'Air / Light or XtraLite.
User's manual:
Trekking / Série F et AP.
User's manual:
Français, Source
UP / Profile Light.
User's manual:
Without packing tabs.
Square, Hexagon, Octagon:
Square Round:
List from others:
How to correctly put your reserve parachute in your harness
by Raul Rodriguez.
Safety / Sécurité:
Repairs / Réparation:
Rip in wing / Déchirure de l'aile:
Line / Suspente:
Riser / Elévateur:
Low friction ring:
Test / Essai
Wing / Aile
Accessories / Accessoires
Weekly news / Nouvelles hebdomadaires
Oz Report.
Mostly HG stuff, but sometimes news for us too.
Rough English translation of
DHV - News (in German).
English version (may not have the latest info).
Flying World.
Obsolete (2009):
Paragliding News - Product oriented / Nouvelles Parapente - Orienté équipement
- By order of preference / Par ordre de préférence:
Andy Stocker.
Olivier Montel:
Vol Libre et autre.
Vol Passion.
Bertrand Gabolde.
Video / Vidéo
Free / Gratuit:
Wing / Aile
Aerodynamics / Aérodynamique
I you want a simpler explanation of Lift, see:
Lift demons. ;-)
Wing manufacturer / Fabricant d'aile
General / Général:
Comparing specifications / Comparaison de spécifications:
Individual / Individuel:
Australia / Australie: HGFA
(Hang Gliding Federation of Australia)
Belgium / Belgique: FBVL
(Fédération Belge de Vol Libre)
Canada: HPAC
(Hang gliding and Paragliding Association of Canada)
France: FFVL
(Fédération Française de Vol Libre)
Germany / Allemagne: DHV
(Deutscher Hängegleiter Verband e.V.)
Hong Kong: HKPA
(Hong Kong Paragliding Association)
International: FAI
(Fédération Aéronautique Internationale)
Ireland / Irlande: IHPA
(Irish Hang-Gliding and Paragliding Association)
Italy / Italie: FIVL
(Federazione Italiana Volo Libero)
Korea / Corée: KPGA
(Korea Paragliding Association)
Netherlands / Pays-Bas: KNVvL
(Royal Netherlands Aeronautical Association, department of paragliding)
New Zealand / Nouvelle Zélande: NZHGPA
(New Zealand Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association)
Poland / Pologne: Paralotnie
(A popular site)
Portugal: FPVL
(Federação Portuguesa de Voo Livre)
Slovenia / Slovénie: SFFA
(Slovene Free Flying Association)
South Africa / Afrique du Sud: SAHPA
(South African Hang gliding and Paragliding Association)
Sweden / Suède: SSFF
(Svenska Skärmflygförbundet)
Switzerland / Suisse: SHV
(Schweizerischer Hängegleiter-Verband)
UK / Royaume-Uni: BHPA
(British Hang-Gliding and Paragliding Association)
USA / Etats-Unis d'Amérique:
USHPA (United States Hang gliding and Paragliding Association),
Handbook / Manuel
You can view this information on your computer at home, on the computers in the library, or through a computer rental.
Basics / Notions de base:
Pocket Aviation
by Panayiotis Kaniamos,
is a complementary reference or course aid to qualified instruction.
Airspace / Règlementation aérienne:
Online class:
Meteorology / Météorologie:
Right-of-way / Priorités:
Written / Ecrit.
Français. Je te recommande de joindre le
Forum Francophone
et de choisir le format "digest".
Flying site / Site de vol
Ordered by personal preference (quality+proximity) / Ordonné par préférence personnelle (qualité+proximité):
Marshall (California, USA)
is a thermalling site with XC potential, easy/safe launch and grassy LZ.
C'est un site de vol thermique avec potentiel pour XC, décollage facile/sécuritaire et atterrissage gazonné.
Soboba (California, USA)
is a thermalling and soaring site (Danger: Launch can be in wind shadow).
C'est un site de vol thermique et dynamique (Danger: Le décollage peut être sous le vent).
Elsinore (California, USA)
is good for XC.
C'est un bon site pour les XC.
Palomar (California, USA)
is a thermalling site.
C'est un site de vol thermique.
Mentone (California, USA)
is a thermalling site often usable when Marshall is not due to North wind.
C'est un site de vol thermique souvent utilisable quand Marshall ne l'est pas dû à du vent du Nord.
Torrey Pines (California, USA)
is a good ridge lift site by the ocean
(see Hazards).
C'est un bon site de bord de mer
(voir Dangers).
Kagel (California, USA)
is a good mountain site.
C'est un bon site montagne.
Blackhawk (California, USA)
is great for XC, but rarely used.
C'est un excellent site pour les XC, mais rarement utilisé.
Guides to flying sites over the world, rated by order of preference
(related discussion):
Paragliding Earth.
Locations using Google Earth software:
Leonardo / World Takeoffs.
Reality check / Retour à la réalité
Ordered by personal preference / Ordonné par préférence personnelle:
Paraglider Pilot Profiling
Why Can't We Get A Handle On This Safety Thing ?
by Mike Meier.
Sustainable Fun.
Doing It With Style
by Paul Gazis.
Paragliders and Rowing Boats
by Richard Grant.
Ground Effect
by Pete Powell.
Warning - Unsafe Flying Conditions Ahead
by Wills Wing.
What If
by Lowell Skoog.
Listening to that Little Voice of Warning
by Paul Gazis.
Competitors: Good for them !
It's cool to sink out
by Chris Santacroce.
Humor / Humour
Miscellaneous / Divers