Flying site / Site de vol
Mentone, California, USA
Jérôme Daoust
( E-mail )
The club supporting the site / Le club supportant le site:
No info.
Events / Evénement:
No info.
Bulletin board / Tableau d'affichage:
No info.
Schools / Ecoles
Lost and Found / Object perdu ou retrouvé:
No info.
How to get there / Comment s'y rendre:
Start of dirt road up: Google Maps.
Gate near bottom is always open.
Maps / Cartes
GPS coordinates / Coordonnées GPS
Shuttles / Navettes
Site frequency / Fréquence du site: 144.925 MHz.
Insurance / Assurances
Lodging / Hébergement
No info.
Car rental / Location d'auto:
No info.
Video or Animation / Vidéo ou Animation
Cross Country / Vol Voyage
Hazards / Dangers
Ideal is SSW wind, but this site is most often used when Marshall is not flyable:
Weather stations at launches (Crestline + Marshall Peak) and LZ.
Dusty Rhodes, 2017/3/26:
OK to launch when up to 40 mph North wind at Crestline.
It is best when flown at 3 pm or after (not noon), when wind gets organised from the valley.
If the winds are enough to ridge soar, do not launch it is rotor. You just want a 5 mph breeze.
By order of interest:
Windgram, for wind direction and altitude ceilings:
Understanding "Wind Barbs".
RASP (Regional Atmospheric Soaring Predictor) for Southern California:
Soaring Predictor
(Older version).
Typical sequence:
Select day and time.
Select a parameter like "Sfc.Wind (10m)".
To change the opacity of the data layer:
Click the "+" or "-" icons in lower right
(Old version: Use slider in the upper right, or mouse's center wheel).
Finding flying sites:
Click the layer icon in the upper right, enable the "Sounding/SkewT".
Hover your mouse pointer over the markers, names appear.
Alternate website(s):
Soaring Predictor: Detailed Predictions
(updated daily at 7:30 AM).
Typical optimistic altitude ceilings.
Mentone forecast (Weather Underground):
10 days.
Mentone forecast (
15 days.
Look for a fire nearby (associated air traffic):
Look for a TFR (Temporary Flight Restriction):
SoaringData. Transforms local TFRs into a KML file for visualization in Google Earth:
Center airport identifier: sbd (San Bernardino International)
Bounding radius (stat. miles): 100
Airspace in Google Earth KML format
Append special use and ATC-controlled airspace uncheked
Type "Soar" into this box: Soar and press Submit
SoarCal / TFR. Click the map icon to visualize the TFR over a map.
FAA / TFR. Set "State" to "California", then click "GO" next to it.
Surface wind speed and direction - NOAA.
Wind Barbs.
Forecast Discussion - San Diego area (NOAA).
Skew T plots.
Initial data source: Bak40 is most accurate, but limited to 24 hours.
GFS for longer range.
Start Valid Time: Latest.
Number of hours: 12 (up to 24 for Bak40).
Name(s) / Site(s):
SBD San Bernardino, ONT Ontario, RIV March AFB, BUO Beaumont, PSP Palm Springs,
VCV Adelanto Victorville, DAG Daggett Barstow, L94 Tehachapi, NXP 29 Palms,
WJF Lancaster, IYK Inyokern, BIH Bishop.
Choose "Interactive plot".
Windyty. Use bottom of screen to change forecast date/time.
Schools / Ecoles
for paragliding operating at this site.
Ordered alphabetically / Ordonné alphabétiquement:
Maps / Cartes
GPS coordinates / Coordonnées GPS
Description |
Latitude |
Longitude |
Altitude (ASL) |
Santa Ana river dam LZ area |
N 34.1025° |
W 117.1073° |
570 m |
1869' (Approximate, from Google Earth) |
Spine launch |
N 34.1188° |
W 117.1126° |
963 m |
3160' (Approximate, from Google Earth) |
Bump launch |
N 34.1196° |
W 117.1106° |
1026 m |
3365' (Approximate, from Google Earth) |
For a great way to explore this flying site in 3D,
see Google Earth's Local points of interest in the
Maps section.
Shuttles / Navettes
If you see me (guy in orange flight suit) or my car (White Subaru Outback) ask me for a ride up.
Lua. 310-404-4750, call or text.
More info:
PG and HG.
Has a truck and a van available if needed.
Can also drive you and your car up to launch and have it at the LZ for your convenience.
Troy. 951-202-7037.
Will drive you up in your car, or his SUV.
Insurance / Assurances
You will need to become a USHPA member and it's not expensive
for the 1 month membership.
Just contact one of the
so you can take the one month membership for 10$.
It is good all over the US for the 30 day period.
Tu devras devenir un membre de l'USHPA et ce n'est pas cher
pour être membre pour un mois.
Tu as juste à contacter une des
afin de prendre le membersip d'un mois pour 10$.
Ce sera bon pour tous les sites aux Etats-Unis pour une
période de 30 jours.
Lodging / Hébergement
Pictures/Images I took (click thumbnail to open full size image in a new window)
Photos/Images que j'ai prises (clique la petite image pour ouvrir la photo pleine grandeur dans une nouvelle fenêtre)
Seven Oaks dam and Mentone Spine launch (lower left).
Le barrage de Seven Oaks et le décollage Spine de Mentone (en bas à gauche).
Pictures/Images from others (click thumbnail to open full size image in a new window)
Photos/Images des autres (clique la petite image pour ouvrir la photo pleine grandeur dans une nouvelle fenêtre)
Gavin flies over the Bump launch.
Gavin vole au-dessus du décollage Bump.
Personal pages:
Video or Animation / Vidéo ou Animation
Cross Country / Vol Voyage
Before you go, know your airspace. For Google Earth:
California 3D overlay for classes B/C/D and restricted military airspace.
Hazards / Dangers