Background information:
Soarable days per month in 2014
Wednesday, 2014/12/31. 9:59am
Sunset at 4:49pm.
RASP: WSW/4knot(10mAlt)/2pm, W/9/3pm, NW/18/4pm. WSW/10mph/2pm, WSW/3/3pm, NNW/8/4pm, Sunny / Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: N/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: S/5mph/2pm, S/5/3pm, NW/5/4pm + 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
35% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -45° to +112° cross.
Expect a rapid change in wind direction around 3pm.
In the lee of strong North wind split by San Gorgonio Mtn.
Cold: Max of 47 F in LZ at 4pm.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Jean-Noel had a 4 min flight.
Thursday: Bad: N/4knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. In the lee of strong North wind split by San Gorgonio Mtn.
Friday: Maybe/Bad: S/4knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. In a wind eddy with 12 mph E wind between us and Banning.
Tuesday, 2014/12/30. 10:53am
Sunset at 4:48pm.
RASP: SW/4knot(10mAlt)/2pm, NE/4/3pm, ESE/6/4pm. ESE/3mph/2pm, SSW/4/3pm, SSW/6/4pm, Showers / Light rain, 45-70% chance of rain.
NOAA: SSE/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: S/7mph/2pm, S/7/3pm, SE/7/4pm + 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
15% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -112° to +180° cross.
In the lee of North wind split by San Gorgonio Mtn.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Almost sure. Period of light rain starting at 11:45am and bit more later. SE-SSE wind.
Wednesday: Bad: W/5knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. In the lee of strong North wind split by San Gorgonio Mtn.
Thursday: Bad: N/5knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. In the lee of North wind split by San Gorgonio Mtn.
Monday, 2014/12/29. 8:16am
Sunset at 4:47pm.
RASP: W/3knot(10mAlt)/2pm, WNW/3/3pm, W/3/4pm. WSW/3mph/2pm, WSW/4/3pm, SW/4/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/5mph/2pm, SW/5/3pm, W/3/4pm + 3313' soaring ceiling/2pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
Light wind, so predicted full sun is the best hope for allowing thermal soaring.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Mike had a 15-20 min flight after launching erly and from the 1450'.
Tuesday: Bad: E/9knot/3pm. Showers, 55% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Bad: WNW/9knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 10% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/12/28. 8:03am
Sunset at 4:47pm.
RASP: SW/4knot(10mAlt)/2pm, SW/4/3pm, WSW/3/4pm. W/3mph/2pm, W/4/3pm, W/4/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/6mph/2pm, SW/6/3pm, W/2/4pm + 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
In a wind eddy according to RASP.
10 mph E wind predicted between us and Banning.
Low predicted soaring ceiling.
Light wind, so predicted full sun is the best hope for allowing thermal soaring.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
No pilot launching after 1:47pm was able to fly over 30 min from the 800' launch or lower.
But Joe and Allen launching before were able to get good flights. So still a fun day.
New PG student Charles had 8 flights.
Monday: Maybe: SW/5knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Maybe/Bad: SSW/10knot/3pm. Showers, 50% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/12/27. 8:07am
Sunset at 4:46pm.
RASP: SE/8knot(10mAlt)/2pm, ESE/6/3pm, E/8/4pm. NE/4mph/2pm, NE/5/3pm, N/3/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/15knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: SE/8mph/2pm, SE/8/3pm, E/10/4pm + 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
20% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -45° to +180° cross.
7:46am observation: NE 14-26 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
26 mph E wind predicted between us and Banning.
Low predicted soaring ceiling.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Sunday: Good/Maybe: WSW/5knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Good/Maybe: WSW/5knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 20% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/12/26. 11:44am
Sunset at 4:45pm.
RASP: S/4knot(10mAlt)/2pm, NNE/4/3pm, ENE/5/4pm. WNW/4mph/2pm, NW/4/3pm, NW/4/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: Calm/0knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/3mph/2pm, SW/3/3pm, NE/2/4pm + 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
In the lee of strong North wind split by San Gorgonio Mtn.
Risk that wind can change from calm to windy at any time.
11:40am observation: ENE 15-22 mph at Highland Springs (between us and Beaumont).
Full sun may offer "thermal block" (favorable) until about 2-3pm.
Low predicted soaring ceiling.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Saturday: Bad: ESE/9knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. 28 mph E wind between us and Banning.
Sunday: Good: WSW/5knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/12/25. 11:24am
Sunset at 4:45pm.
RASP: S/6knot(10mAlt)/2pm, SSW/8/3pm, S/7/4pm. WNW/15mph/2pm, WNW/13/3pm, WNW/10/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: N/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: W/9mph/2pm, W/9/3pm, S/5/4pm + 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
20% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -45° to +67° cross.
11:09am observation: WNW 19-26mph at the 650' launch.
In the lee of strong North wind split by San Gorgonio Mtn: Conditions can change rapidly.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Friday: Bad: SSW/6knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. In the lee of strong North wind split by San Gorgonio Mtn.
Saturday: Bad: SE/5knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. 20 mph E wind between us and Banning.
Wednesday, 2014/12/24. 11:38am
Sunset at 4:44pm.
RASP: WSW/7knot(10mAlt)/2pm, WSW/7/3pm, WSW/8/4pm. Calm/0mph/2pm, S/6/3pm, S/4/4pm, Partly cloudy / Mostly sunny / Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: W/5mph/2pm, W/5/3pm, SW/6/4pm + 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -45° to +67° cross.
Light wind. Low soaring ceiling predicted. Some cloudiness reducing thermals.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
I flew a PG at 2pm from the 1450' launch, 5 min later in the LZ.
Thursday: Maybe/Bad: SSW/11knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. In the lee of North wind split by San Gorgonio Mtn.
55% chance of rain at 2-3am.
Friday: Maybe/Bad: S/6knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. In a wind eddy. In the lee of North wind split by San Gorgonio Mtn.
Tuesday, 2014/12/23. 11:45am
Sunset at 4:44pm.
RASP: ENE/23knot(10mAlt)/2pm, ENE/34/3pm, ENE/37/4pm. E/24mph/2pm, E/22/3pm, E/24/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/30knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: E/38mph/2pm, E/38/3pm, NE/32/4pm + 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
5% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
11:42am observation: ENE 21-32 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Strong
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Conditions near the 650' launch started deteriorating at 12:30pm.
Wednesday: Maybe: Variable/3knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain. At the center of a wind eddy.
Thursday: Bad: WNW/8knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 20% chance of rain. In the lee of North wind split by San Gorgonio Mtn.
Monday, 2014/12/22. 11:48am
Sunset at 4:43pm.
RASP: SE/3knot(10mAlt)/2pm, W/1/3pm, W/2/4pm. Calm/0mph/2pm, Calm/0/3pm, Calm/0/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: Calm/0knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: W/5mph/2pm, W/5/3pm, NW/2/4pm + 2566' soaring ceiling/2pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -90° to +90° cross.
Very light wind. In the lee of North wind split by San Gorgonio Mtn.
For the optimist: Full sunshine will generate thermals and an upslope breeze.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
According to Mike.
Tuesday: Bad: ENE/31knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Bad: ESE/6knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain. 20 mph E wind betwen us and Banning.
Sunday, 2014/12/21. 11:17am
Sunset at 4:43pm.
RASP: S/3knot(10mAlt)/2pm, W/5/3pm, W/5/4pm. WSW/3mph/2pm, WNW/7/3pm, NNW/5/4pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: Calm/0knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/1mph/2pm, SW/1/3pm, NW/1/4pm + 3831' soaring ceiling/2pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -45° to +112° cross.
Near the center of a light wind eddy according to RASP.
Light wind (not good for ridge soaring). Some cloudiness, reducing thermals.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
I was there, had a speed flight.
Monday: Maybe/Bad: WSW/3knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. In the lee of North wind split by San Gorgonio Mtn.
Tuesday: Bad: ENE/32knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/12/20. 12:09pm
Sunset at 4:42pm.
RASP: WNW/5knot(10mAlt)/2pm, WNW/5/3pm, W/4/4pm. SW/3mph/2pm, SW/3/3pm, W/3/4pm, Cloudy/ Partly cloudy / Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/6mph/2pm, SW/6/3pm, W/3/4pm + 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
35% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
Light wind and at a significant cross angle. Cloudiness reducing thermals.
Low predicted soaring ceiling.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
According to Mike.
Sunday: Maybe/Bad: NW/1knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Maybe/Bad: SSE/5knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. In the lee of North wind split by San Gorgonio Mtn.
Friday, 2014/12/19. 10:59am
Sunset at 4:42pm.
RASP: WNW/4knot(10mAlt)/2pm, WNW/5/3pm, WNW/5/4pm. N/3mph/2pm, NW/5/3pm, NW/5/4pm, Partly cloudy / Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: W/6mph/2pm, W/6/3pm, W/7/4pm + 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
35% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +112° cross.
Light wind and at a significant cross angle. Some cloudiness reducing thermals.
Low predicted soaring ceiling.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Saturday: Bad: W-WNW/5knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Bad: WNW/1knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/12/18. 11:27am
Sunset at 4:41pm.
RASP: WSW/5knot(10mAlt)/2pm, WSW/3/3pm, WSW/3/4pm. WSW/3mph/2pm, WSW/3/3pm, NW/4/4pm, Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/7mph/2pm, SW/7/3pm, W/3/4pm + 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +90° cross.
Light wind. Low predicted soaring ceiling. Thermals reduced by moist ground.
Dress warm (56 F max in LZ). Launch early and from a higher launch.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
I tried: Got 12 minutes after launching from the 1000' at 2pm. Very light conditions.
Friday: Maybe/Bad: W-WNW/5knot/3pm. Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Maybe/Bad: WNW/3knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/12/17. 11:59am
Sunset at 4:41pm.
RASP: WSW/5knot(10mAlt)/2pm, W/9/3pm, W/7/4pm. NNE/5mph/2pm, SSW/3/3pm, NNE/5/4pm, Cloudy / Showers / Scattered showers, 30-45% chance of rain.
NOAA: NNW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: S/8mph/2pm, S/8/3pm, S/5/4pm + 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
25% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -45° to +158° cross.
Chance of afternoon rain. Light wind. Conflicting wind direction predictions.
Cloudiness and humid ground reducing thermals.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
According to Jean-Noel.
Thursday: Maybe: W/4knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 15% chance of rain.
Friday: Maybe: W/4knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/12/16. 10:19am
Sunset at 4:41pm.
RASP: SSW/3knot(10mAlt)/2pm, S/5/3pm, SW/5/4pm. SSW/4mph/2pm, SW/4/3pm, SW/4/4pm, Showers, 45% chance of rain.
NOAA: SSW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: S/8mph/2pm, S/8/3pm, S/8/4pm + 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
25% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -45° to 0° cross.
Chance of afternoon rain. Light wind. Cloudiness reducing thermals.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Wednesday: Bad: WSW/5knot/3pm. Mostly cloudy, 15% chance of rain. AM rain.
Thursday: Maybe: SW/4knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. North wind around us.
Monday, 2014/12/15. 10:07am
Sunset at 4:40pm.
RASP: WSW/5knot(10mAlt)/2pm, SW/7/3pm, SW/8/4pm. NW/4mph/2pm, NW/5/3pm, SW/5/4pm, Partly cloudy / Cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SE/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/6mph/2pm, SW/6/3pm, SW/3/4pm + 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -90° to +90° cross.
RASP: Between 2 wind flows: E wind between us and Banning.
Not helping: Cloudiness, light wind, ground still moist.
Conflicting wind direction predictions.
10:04am observation: NE 14-24 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Light to
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Tuesday: Maybe/Bad: SW/9knot/3pm. Showers, 45% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Bad: W/14knot/3pm. Showers, 60% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/12/14. 8:04am
Sunset at 4:40pm.
RASP: SW/4knot(10mAlt)/2pm, Var/4/3pm, WSW/5/4pm. W/4mph/2pm, W/4/3pm, W/3/4pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: Calm/0knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: (1 day old) W/3mph/2pm, W/3/3pm, S/0/4pm + 3387' soaring ceiling/2pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -45° to +45° cross.
In an eddy of stronger E wind between us and Banning.
Light wind. Some cloudiness, reducing thermals.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
I was at the flight park.
Monday: Maybe: SSW/7knot/3pm. Cloudy, 0% chance of rain. Between 2 wind flows.
Tuesday: Bad: Var/3knot/3pm. Showers, 60% chance of rain. In a wind eddy.
Saturday, 2014/12/13. 7:55am
Sunset at 4:40pm.
RASP: (to be updated) SW/6knot(10mAlt)/2pm, SW/7/3pm, W/5/4pm. W/6mph/2pm, W/6/3pm, W/6/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: S/8mph/2pm, S/8/3pm, S/12/4pm + 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -45° to +67° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
Conflicting wind direction predictions.
Sun will help produce a thermal breeze but humid ground will not.
Low predicted soaring ceiling.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Sunday: Bad: NW/5knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Good: SW/8knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/12/12. 10:44am
Sunset at 4:39pm.
RASP: S/14knot(10mAlt)/2pm, SW/12/3pm, SSW/11/4pm. SSE/9mph/2pm, S/10/3pm, SSW/11/4pm, Showers, 40% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: S/8mph/2pm, S/8/3pm, S/8/4pm + 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
5% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -67° to 0° cross.
10:39am observation: 0.59" of rain accumulated, and still raining.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Rain tapered off by 12:30pm but wind direction was bad until 3:50pm and then rain started again.
Saturday: Maybe: WSW/7knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Maybe: W/4knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/12/11. 9:18am
Sunset at 4:39pm.
RASP: SSW/9knot(10mAlt)/2pm, SSW/10/3pm, SSW/9/4pm. NW/5mph/2pm, SW/7/3pm, SW/7/4pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SSW/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/8mph/2pm, SW/8/3pm, SW/8/4pm + 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +90° cross.
Fair chance of ridge soaring, if the wind is not too much from the South.
You can turn off your sprinklers for Friday.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
I was at the flight park. Wind was lighter than predicted.
Friday: Bad: SW/5knot/3pm. Showers, 40% chance of rain. Heavy rain in the morning.
Saturday: Maybe: SW/3knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/12/10. 11:58am
Sunset at 4:39pm.
RASP: ESE/8knot(10mAlt)/2pm, ENE/7/3pm, E/6/4pm. WSW/3mph/2pm, SSW/1/3pm, SW/1/4pm, Sunny / Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: Calm/0knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/6mph/2pm, SW/6/3pm, W/3/4pm + 3123' soaring ceiling/2pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +45° cross.
Conflicting wind direction predictions, but generally light.
Low predicted soaring ceiling.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
I was at the flight park. Conditions too light.
Thursday: Maybe: SSW/9knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Bad: WSW/10knot/3pm. Rain, 100% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/12/9. 10:42am
Sunset at 4:39pm.
RASP: SE/3knot(10mAlt)/2pm, SSW/4/3pm, SSW/4/4pm. WNW/4mph/2pm, W/4/3pm, WNW/4/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: W/5mph/2pm, W/5/3pm, W/6/4pm + 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -90° to +90° cross.
In an eddy of stronger E wind between us and Banning.
Low predicted soaring ceiling.
Conflicting wind direction predictions, but generally light.
Best hope if for the predicted full sun to produce a thermal breeze.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
I was at the flight park. Conditions too light.
Wednesday: Maybe: WSW/3knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Maybe: SW/5knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain. No RASP wind data, used SoaringPredictor instead.
Monday, 2014/12/8. 10:46am
Sunset at 4:39pm.
RASP: E/7knot(10mAlt)/2pm, E/8/3pm, E/11/4pm. ESE/1mph/2pm, ESE/1/3pm, ESE/5/4pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: ENE/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: W/5mph/2pm, W/5/3pm, NE/5/4pm + 2822' soaring ceiling/2pm.
25% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
Sunset starting to get later (but not yet the shortest day).
Cloudiness reducing thermals.
In an eddy of stronger E wind between us and Banning.
10:42am observation: NE 11-19 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Light to
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
I was at the flight park.
Tuesday: Maybe/Bad: W/3knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. WNW/NW towards sunset.
Wednesday: Maybe: WSW/3knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/12/7. 10:35am
Sunset at 4:38pm.
RASP: ENE/10knot(10mAlt)/2pm, ENE/10/3pm, ENE/11/4pm. Calm/0mph/2pm, Calm/0/3pm, NNW/3/4pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/15knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: NE/5mph/2pm, NE/5/3pm, E/12/4pm + 2274' soaring ceiling/2pm.
20% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
10:31am observation: NE 17-27 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
I was at the flight park. Typical switch to blowing down at 3:39pm, as is typical for
Moderate Santa Ana winds.
Monday: Bad: E/5knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. In an eddy of stronger E wind between us and Banning.
Tuesday: Bad: S/5knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/12/6. 8:14am
Sunset at 4:38pm.
RASP: WNW/3knot(10mAlt)/2pm, WNW/5/3pm, WNW/5/4pm. NW/4mph/2pm, NW/4/3pm, NW/4/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: W/6mph/2pm, W/6/3pm, NW/3/4pm + 2524' soaring ceiling/2pm.
25% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +90° cross.
Poor wind direction. Low predicted soaring ceiling.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
I was at the flight park.
Sunday: Bad: E/5knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain. In an eddy of stronger E wind between us and Banning.
Monday: Bad: WNW/4knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/12/5. 10:54am
Sunset at 4:38pm.
RASP: NW/3knot(10mAlt)/2pm, NNE/6/3pm, ENE/10/4pm. NNW/2mph/2pm, Calm/0/3pm, Calm/0/4pm, Cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: NW/3mph/2pm, NW/3/3pm, SE/1/4pm + 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
20% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +158° cross.
10:49am observation: NE 15-22 mph (and increasing) at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Poor wind direction.
Low predicted soaring ceiling. Cloudiness & soil moisture reducing thermals.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
I was at the flight park.
Saturday: Bad: WNW/5knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Bad: WNW/3knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/12/4. 11:55am
Sunset at 4:38pm.
RASP: WNW/11knot(10mAlt)/2pm, WNW/9/3pm, WNW/6/4pm. NW/8mph/2pm, NNW/5/3pm, N/5/4pm, Partly cloudy, 15% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: W/6mph/2pm, W/6/3pm, W/6/4pm + 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
20% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +135° cross.
Poor wind direction.
Low predicted soaring ceiling. Cloudiness & soil moisture reducing thermals.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Friday: Maybe/Bad: W/5knot/3pm. Cloudy, 5% chance of rain.
Saturday: Bad: WNW/5knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/12/3. 12:08pm
Sunset at 4:38pm.
RASP: NE/6knot(10mAlt)/2pm, NE/7/3pm, ENE/7/4pm. WNW/4mph/2pm, Calm/0/3pm, ENE/13/4pm, Cloudy / T-Storm, 5-55% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: S/2mph/2pm, S/2/3pm, S/3/4pm + 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
15% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
Poor wind direction. Cloudiness. Fair chance of rain. Thunderstorm likely to start at 4pm.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Almost sure.
Thursday: Bad: WNW/7knot/3pm. Mostly cloudy, 20% chance of rain.
Friday: Bad: WSW/5knot/3pm. Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain. In a wind eddy.
Tuesday, 2014/12/2. 10:11am
Sunset at 4:38pm.
RASP: SSE/10knot(10mAlt)/2pm, SSE/12/3pm, SSE/7/4pm. SSE/4mph/2pm, NNW/3/3pm, S/5/4pm, Rain / Thunder, 65-100% chance of rain.
NOAA: ESE/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: E/7mph/2pm, E/7/3pm, SE/5/4pm + 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
5% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -135° to +112° cross.
All bad things: Wind direction, cloudiness, high chance of rain.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Almost sure.
Wednesday: Bad: NE/12knot/3pm. Rain, 90% chance of rain.
Thursday: Maybe: SW/5knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 20% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/12/1. 10:20am
Sunset at 4:39pm.
RASP: NE/6knot(10mAlt)/2pm, ENE/14/3pm, ENE/18/4pm. Calm/0mph/2pm, S/1/3pm, NW/4/4pm, Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/20knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: NE/8mph/2pm, NE/8/3pm, E/16/4pm + 4938' soaring ceiling/2pm.
20% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
Cloudiness reducing thermals.
Over-the-back wind expected to increase by 3pm.
10:15am observation: NE 6-8 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Only 2-3 mph wind up to 3pm, then direction went bad. NE 16-18 mph at 4:14pm.
Tuesday: Bad: SSE/11knot/3pm. Rain, 95% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Bad: SSW/7knot/3pm. Showers, 60% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/11/30. 8:05am
Sunset at 4:39pm.
RASP: NW/6knot(10mAlt)/2pm, WSW/3/3pm, SW/3/4pm. SW/8mph/2pm, SW/8/3pm, SW/7/4pm, Partly cloudy, 20% chance of rain.
NOAA: SSW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/10mph/2pm, SW/10/3pm, S/8/4pm + 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -45° to +90° cross.
35% chance of rain at 1pm. Cloudiness reducing thermals.
Low predicted soaring ceiling. Conflicting wind prediction (RASP VS other 3).
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
A few drops of rain around 1pm, but many soared after.
Monday: Bad: ENE/20knot/3pm. Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Bad: E/10knot/3pm. Rain, 100% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/11/29. 8:10am
Sunset at 4:39pm.
RASP: SW/7knot(10mAlt)/2pm, SSW/9/3pm, SW/9/4pm. SW/8mph/2pm, SW/8/3pm, SW/7/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SSW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/8mph/2pm, SW/8/3pm, SW/7/4pm + 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to 0° cross.
Low predicted soaring ceiling.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Jean-Noel counted 17 pilots in the air. Students Emma & Julie got 45+ min flights.
Sunday: Good: SW/9knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 20% chance of rain.
Monday: Bad: ENE/13knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/11/28. 8:06am
Sunset at 4:39pm.
RASP: SW/3knot(10mAlt)/2pm, SW/3/3pm, WSW/4/4pm. SW/6mph/2pm, SW/6/3pm, SW/6/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/7mph/2pm, SW/7/3pm, S/7/4pm + 2512' soaring ceiling/2pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -45° to +22° cross.
Wind in good direction but light. Launch early (1:45pm), hoping for thermals to soar.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Wind was light and more WNW than predicted. Jean-Noel soared 10 minutes from the 800' launch.
Saturday: Good: SW/11knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Good: SW/7knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 20% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/11/27. 9:43am
Sunset at 4:39pm.
RASP: ENE/15knot(10mAlt)/2pm, ENE/15/3pm, ENE/13/4pm. WNW/3mph/2pm, WSW/5/3pm, WSW/4/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/20knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: NE/12mph/2pm, NE/12/3pm, NE/15/4pm + 2971' soaring ceiling/2pm.
25% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
9:40am observation: NE 17-26 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
According to Jean-Noel.
Friday: Good: SW/5knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Good: SW/9knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/11/26. 11:18am
Sunset at 4:39pm.
RASP: ENE/15knot(10mAlt)/2pm, ENE/14/3pm, ENE/15/4pm. E/13mph/2pm, E/10/3pm, ESE/6/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: ENE/15knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: E/10mph/2pm, E/10/3pm, E/15/4pm + 2831' soaring ceiling/2pm.
20% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to -112° cross.
11:13am observation: ENE 13-20 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
As in typical Moderate
Santa Ana winds fashion,
at 2:50pm (1.8 hour before sunset) wind conditions degraded at the 650' launch.
Thursday: Bad: ENE/17knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Good: SW/5knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/11/25. 11:01am
Sunset at 4:40pm.
RASP: ENE/12knot(10mAlt)/2pm, ENE/11/3pm, ENE/14/4pm. NW/9mph/2pm, N/9/3pm, E/13/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/20knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: E/20mph/2pm, E/20/3pm, E/20/4pm + 2758' soaring ceiling/2pm.
20% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +135° cross.
10:59am observation: ENE 14-26 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
As in typical Moderate
Santa Ana winds fashion,
at 3:00pm (1.7 hour before sunset) wind conditions degraded at the 650' launch.
Wednesday: Bad: ENE/19knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Bad: ENE/11knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/11/24. 9:54am
Sunset at 4:40pm.
RASP: ENE/28knot(10mAlt)/2pm, ENE/33/3pm, ENE/37/4pm. E/27mph/2pm, E/29/3pm, NE/18/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/20knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: E/23mph/2pm, E/23/3pm, E/21/4pm + 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
5% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
9:49am observation: ENE 21-36 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Strong
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
I was there at 1:30pm and in the LZ there were gusts with blowing dirt.
Tuesday: Bad: ENE/16knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Bad: ENE/26knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/11/23. 10:09am
Sunset at 4:40pm.
RASP: E/13knot(10mAlt)/2pm, E/9/3pm, E/6/4pm. SSW/11mph/2pm, SSW/9/3pm, NE/13/4pm, Mostly sunny / Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: ENE/15knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: S/6mph/2pm, S/6/3pm, SE/2/4pm + 3960' soaring ceiling/2pm.
25% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
10:05am observation: ENE 17-34 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Joe had an 8 min flight from the 800' launch at 1pm and wind direction got bad after.
Monday: Bad: E/13knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Bad: ENE/35knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/11/22. 8:14am
Sunset at 4:41pm.
RASP: WSW/9knot(10mAlt)/2pm, WSW/9/3pm, W/9/4pm. WSW/12mph/2pm, WSW/13/3pm, WSW/13/4pm, Mostly sunny / Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W-WNW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/8mph/2pm, SW/8/3pm, SW/8/4pm + 3735' soaring ceiling/2pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
WNW-NW wind until 30 min before sunset, then SW, allowing only Austin to soar from the 1450' launch.
Sunday: Maybe: SSW/5knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. In the lee of North wind split by San Gorgonio Mountain.
Monday: Bad: ESE/9knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/11/21. 8:13am
Sunset at 4:41pm.
RASP: S/5knot(10mAlt)/2pm, S/5/3pm, SSE/5/4pm. NW/5mph/2pm, NW/5/3pm, NW/5/4pm, Partly cloudy, 20% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: W/7mph/2pm, W/7/3pm, W/5/4pm + 4272' soaring ceiling/2pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -67° to +90° cross.
Light wind. Conflicting wind direction predictions. Cloudiness. Small chance of rain.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Jean-Noel gave it a good try, but conditions were too light.
Saturday: Maybe: S/9knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Bad: S/3knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/11/20. 8:19am
Sunset at 4:41pm.
RASP: W/5knot(10mAlt)/2pm, W/5/3pm, WNW/5/4pm. W/6mph/2pm, W/7/3pm, W/7/4pm, Sunny / Partly Cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: W/8mph/2pm, W/8/3pm, W/8/4pm + 2776' soaring ceiling/2pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +90° cross.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Friday: Bad: S/9knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 20% chance of rain.
Saturday: Maybe: WSW/8knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/11/19. 8:08am
Sunset at 4:42pm.
RASP: WSW/7knot(10mAlt)/2pm, WSW/6/3pm, WSW/6/4pm. WSW/7mph/2pm, WSW/7/3pm, WSW/7/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/9mph/2pm, SW/9/3pm, SW/7/4pm + 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
Light wind and conflicting wind direction predictions.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
NOAA was the only accurate predictor today.
Thursday: Maybe: W/5knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Bad: WNW/11knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 20% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/11/18. 10:32am
Sunset at 4:43pm.
RASP: ENE/23knot(10mAlt)/2pm, ENE/20/3pm, ENE/20/4pm. NNE/8mph/2pm, Calm/0/3pm, E/6/4pm, Partly cloudy / Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/20knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: E/18mph/2pm, E/18/3pm, NE/20/4pm + 3163' soaring ceiling/2pm.
10% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
10:29am observation: NE 25-38 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Strong
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Wednesday: Good: WSW/6knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Maybe: W/7knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 10% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/11/17. 9:34am
Sunset at 4:43pm.
RASP: E/13knot(10mAlt)/2pm, ESE/7/3pm, E/8/4pm. ENE/8mph/2pm, ENE/9/3pm, NE/7/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/20knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: E/16mph/2pm, E/16/3pm, E/17/4pm + 3202' soaring ceiling/2pm.
10% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
Although RASP predicts moderate wind at our location, it also predicts 25+ mph between us and Banning.
9:31am observation: NE 22-39 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Strong
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Tuesday: Bad: ENE/22knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Bad: WNW/9knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/11/16. 8:09am
Sunset at 4:44pm.
RASP: ENE/32knot(10mAlt)/2pm, E/27/3pm, ENE/31/4pm. NE/10mph/2pm, NE/10/3pm, NE/10/4pm, Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/25knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: E/18mph/2pm, E/18/3pm, E/18/4pm + 5202' soaring ceiling/2pm.
5% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
A day to do something else.
Warning: Strong
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Monday: Bad: ENE/22knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Bad: ENE/29knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/11/15. 8:02am
Sunset at 4:46pm.
RASP: W/7knot(10mAlt)/2pm, W/6/3pm, WNW/10/4pm. WSW/7mph/2pm, WSW/7/3pm, WSW/8/4pm, Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/7mph/2pm, SW/7/3pm, SW/7/4pm + N/A' soaring ceiling/2pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
Light wind. Cloudiness not helping. RASP & NOAA not prediction good wind direction.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Sunday: Bad: ENE/31knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Bad: ENE/30knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/11/14. 8:14am
Sunset at 4:46pm.
RASP: W/6knot(10mAlt)/2pm, SSW/3/3pm, S/4/4pm. WSW/7mph/2pm, WSW/7/3pm, WSW/7/4pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/8mph/2pm, SW/8/3pm, SW/9/4pm + 3045' soaring ceiling/2pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -45° to +45° cross.
Light wind. Cloudiness not helping.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Saturday: Maybe: W/6knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Bad: ENE/30knot/3pm. Sunny, 10% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/11/13. 8:10am
Sunset at 4:46pm.
RASP: W/6knot(10mAlt)/2pm, W/5/3pm, W/7/4pm. WSW/7mph/2pm, WSW/7/3pm, WSW/7/4pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/8mph/2pm, SW/8/3pm, W/8/4pm + 4551' soaring ceiling/2pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Friday: Good: SW/6knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Maybe: W/5knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/11/12. 8:09am
Sunset at 4:46pm.
RASP: SSW/4knot(10mAlt)/2pm, S/5/3pm, SSW/4/4pm. W/6mph/2pm, WSW/6/3pm, WSW/6/4pm, Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/8mph/2pm, SW/8/3pm, W/9/4pm + 4781' soaring ceiling/2pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -45° to +67° cross.
Gamble: Light wind (with conflicting direction predictions) and some cloudiness (less thermals).
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Wind was mostly WNW.
Thursday: Maybe: W/7knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Maybe: SW/5knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 20% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/11/11. 12:41pm
Sunset at 4:47pm.
RASP: SW/8knot(10mAlt)/2pm, SW/8/3pm, SW/8/4pm. WSW/5mph/2pm, SSW/7/3pm, SSW/5/4pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/9mph/2pm, SW/9/3pm, SW/9/4pm + 4669' soaring ceiling/2pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +0° to +22° cross.
Cloudiness reducing thermals.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
We did not get the sun (for thermals) or the wind forecasted,
so conditions were too calm for soaring.
Wednesday: Maybe: WSW/6knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. Wind direction gets worse after 3pm.
Thursday: Maybe: W/6knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/11/10. 8:10am
Sunset at 4:48pm.
RASP: SW/8knot(10mAlt)/2pm, SW/8/3pm, SW/8/4pm. SW/8mph/2pm, SW/9/3pm, SW/8/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SSW/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/10mph/2pm, SW/10/3pm, SW/9/4pm + 2682' soaring ceiling/2pm.
70% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +0° cross.
Limited soaring altitude.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Many enjoyed soaring, including student Shah earning about 45 min.
Tuesday: Good: WSW/6knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Maybe: W/6knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/11/9. 7:58am
Sunset at 4:48pm.
RASP: SW/5knot(10mAlt)/2pm, SW/5/3pm, SW/5/4pm. WSW/8mph/2pm, WSW/8/3pm, WSW/8/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: Calm/0knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: W/6mph/2pm, W/6/3pm, SW/9/4pm + 3838' soaring ceiling/2pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +67° cross.
Light wind, so consider using a higher launch.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Student Jen flew about 10 min from 650.
Joe got 1+ hour of airtime.
Monday: Good: SW/9knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Good: SW/7knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 10% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/11/8. 8:07am
Sunset at 4:49pm.
RASP: ENE/15knot(10mAlt)/2pm, ENE/15/3pm, ENE/15/4pm. WNW/4mph/2pm, WNW/5/3pm, W/4/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/15knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: SE/3mph/2pm, SE/3/3pm, E/10/4pm + 6107' soaring ceiling/2pm.
25% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +67° cross.
8:05am observation: ENE 14-27 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
According to Jean-Noel.
Sunday: Maybe: NW/3knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. In a wind eddy.
Monday: Good: SW/8knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/11/7. 7:45am
Sunset at 4:50pm.
RASP: (to be updated) ENE/12knot(10mAlt)/2pm, ENE/11/3pm, ENE/14/4pm. NW/4mph/2pm, NW/4/3pm, NW/4/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: ENE/15knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: NE/7mph/2pm, NE/7/3pm, NE/12/4pm + 5418' soaring ceiling/2pm.
25% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
7:42am observation: NE 8-15 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
According to Jean-Noel.
Saturday: Bad: ENE/11knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Maybe: Variable/4knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. In a wind eddy.
Thursday, 2014/11/6. 9:45am
Sunset at 4:51pm.
RASP: ENE/16knot(10mAlt)/2pm, ENE/19/3pm, ENE/21/4pm. ENE/10mph/2pm, ENE/8/3pm, ENE/8/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/20knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: NE/16mph/2pm, NE/16/3pm, NE/20/4pm + 5018' soaring ceiling/2pm.
20% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
9:43am observation: NE 11-19 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Friday: Bad: ENE/8knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Bad: ENE/14knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/11/5. 10:45am
Sunset at 4:52pm.
RASP: ENE/24knot(10mAlt)/2pm, ENE/20/3pm, ENE/21/4pm. ENE/16mph/2pm, ENE/14/3pm, ENE/13/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/20knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: E/25mph/2pm, E/25/3pm, E/16/4pm + 5591' soaring ceiling/2pm.
10% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to -135° cross.
10:43am observation: E 25-39 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Strong
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Thursday: Bad: ENE/18knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Bad: ENE/5knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/11/4. 10:25am
Sunset at 4:53pm.
RASP: ENE/29knot(10mAlt)/2pm, E/23/3pm, ENE/15/4pm. ENE/15mph/2pm, ENE/11/3pm, N/8/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/15knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: SE/7mph/2pm, SE/7/3pm, SE/5/4pm + 6208' soaring ceiling/2pm.
20% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +135° cross.
10:22am observation: ENE 22-34 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Moderate to
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Wednesday: Bad: ENE/21knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Bad: ENE/20knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/11/3. 10:42am
Sunset at 4:53pm.
RASP: WNW/7knot(10mAlt)/2pm, W/6/3pm, WSW/5/4pm. WNW/7mph/2pm, SSW/3/3pm, Calm/0/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: W/7mph/2pm, W/7/3pm, W/5/4pm + 7038' soaring ceiling/2pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +67° cross.
In the lee of wind split by San Gorgonio Mountain.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Good for PG students on training hill (light NW wind) but only short PG flights from higher.
Tuesday: Bad: ESE/14knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Bad: ENE/34knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/11/2. 12:55pm
Sunset at 4:54pm.
RASP: SSW/5knot(10mAlt)/2pm, SSW/5/3pm, S/7/4pm. WNW/7mph/2pm, WNW/7/3pm, WNW/6/4pm, Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/8mph/2pm, SW/8/3pm, W/7/4pm + 5344' soaring ceiling/2pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -45° to +67° cross.
Light wind. Only 65F at 2pm.
12:45pm observation: Wind behind ridge has switched to WNW at 11:42am.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
I had the longest PG flight: 12 min.
Appropriate light conditions for the students.
Monday: Maybe: W/4knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. In the lee of wind split by San Gorgonio Mountain.
Tuesday: Bad: ENE/23knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/11/1. 10:46am
Sunset at 5:55pm.
RASP: WSW/15knot(10mAlt)/3pm, W/8/4pm, WSW/14/5pm. WSW/14mph/3pm, WSW/14/4pm, WSW/15/5pm, Cloudy / Partly cloudy, 20% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: W/12mph/3pm, W/12/4pm, W/10/5pm + 2260' soaring ceiling/3pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
Cloudiness reducing thermals. Windier than normal. Small chance of rain before sunset. Only 63F at 3pm.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Recorded wind near 650' launch was W-WNW.
Sunday: Maybe: SW/5knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain. WNW wind starting at 4:00pm.
Monday: Bad: NE/11knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/10/31. 11:59am
Sunset at 5:56pm.
RASP: SW/10knot(10mAlt)/3pm, SW/11/4pm, SSW/13/5pm. SSW/11mph/3pm, WSW/7/4pm, WSW/9/5pm, Sunny / Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SSW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/14mph/3pm, SW/14/4pm, SW/15/5pm + 3875' soaring ceiling/3pm.
70% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +22° cross.
Reminder: Windy days increase turbulence 100-300' above the LZ.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
I used the 800' launch, flew 2.1 hours, up to 4830'. Cloudy & cold, smooth widespread lift.
Also good flights for Jean-Noel, Eric, Sean, Jordan.
Saturday: Maybe: S/7knot/4pm. Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
RASP predict a local wind pattern disturbance, but expect overall strong W wind.
Sunday: Bad: WNW/17knot/4pm. Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/10/30. 11:35am
Sunset at 5:57pm.
RASP: SW/7knot(10mAlt)/3pm, SW/7/4pm, SW/8/5pm. SW/6mph/3pm, WSW/7/4pm, SSW/6/5pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/8mph/3pm, SW/8/4pm, SW/12/5pm + 4462' soaring ceiling/3pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +45° cross.
Light conditions: Cloudiness reducing thermals, light wind.
Acording to RASP, over-the-back wind should dissapear by the late afternoon.
11:12am observation: NE 15-20 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
I used the 800' launch, flew 2.1 hours, up to 4850'.
Last hour was under fully cloudy skies.
Also good flights for Jean-Noel, Jordan, Sean, Bill.
Friday: Good: SW/10knot/4pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Maybe: WSW-W/15knot/4pm. AM showers, 50% chance of rain. Stronger-than-normal wind.
Wednesday, 2014/10/29. 12:07pm
Sunset at 5:58pm.
RASP: ESE/6knot(10mAlt)/3pm, SE/4/4pm, S/3/5pm. NNW/1mph/3pm, WNW/3/4pm, W/5/5pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/15knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: S/5mph/3pm, S/5/4pm, S/6/5pm + 6240' soaring ceiling/3pm.
35% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -135° to +112° cross.
RASP predicts we will be in a wind eddy of E 18 mph wind between us and Banning at 3pm.
11:52am observation: ENE 14-21 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Favorable recorded wind near 650' launch between 2:55-3:49pm,
but wind at Poppet Flats (behind mountain) was ENE 13-21 mph during this time,
so one could expect rotor conditions.
Thursday: Good: WSW/7knot/4pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Good: SW/9knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/10/28. 11:51am
Sunset at 5:59pm.
RASP: E/11knot(10mAlt)/3pm, ENE/11/4pm, ENE/13/5pm. SSW/1mph/3pm, ESE/1/4pm, WSW/7/5pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: ENE/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: E/2mph/3pm, E/2/4pm, E/7/5pm + 5377' soaring ceiling/3pm.
25% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +22° cross.
11:45am observation: ENE 13-19 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Almost sure.
Wednesday: Bad: ENE/9knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Good: WSW/5knot/4pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/10/27. 9:09am
Sunset at 6:00 pm.
RASP: NW/7knot(10mAlt)/3pm, NW/7/4pm, NW/6/5pm. W/6mph/3pm, W/6/4pm, W/6/5pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: W/7mph/3pm, W/7/4pm, W/8/5pm + 5070' soaring ceiling/3pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +90° cross.
In a wind eddy according to RASP.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Tuesday: Bad: ENE/14knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Bad: E/7knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/10/26. 11:12am
Sunset at 6:01 pm.
RASP: WSW/7knot(10mAlt)/3pm, WSW/7/4pm, WSW/6/5pm. WNW/8mph/3pm, WNW/11/4pm, SW/10/5pm, Mostly sunny / Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/9mph/3pm, SW/9/4pm, SW/10/5pm + 3487' soaring ceiling/3pm.
55% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
Some cloudiness reducing thermals.
But better chance today than the next 3-4 days.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
I flew 2.3 hours, up to 6400'. I used the 1450' launch, but wind later increased for using the 650'.
Monday: Maybe: S/5knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. In a wind eddy.
Tuesday: Bad: ENE/13knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/10/25. 11:15am
Sunset at 6:02 pm.
RASP: WSW/6knot(10mAlt)/3pm, WSW/5/4pm, WSW/7/5pm. WSW/8mph/3pm, W/7/4pm, W/9/5pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/13mph/3pm, SW/13/4pm, W/15/5pm + 3986' soaring ceiling/3pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
Moderately windy. Earlier better than later for wind direction. Better tomorrow if you need to pick 1 day.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
According to Jean-Noel.
Sunday: Good: SW/7knot/4pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Maybe: W/3knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/10/24. 9:22am
Sunset at 6:03 pm.
RASP: SW/5knot(10mAlt)/3pm, SW/7/4pm, SW/7/5pm. SW/10mph/3pm, SW/11/4pm, SW/10/5pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/10mph/3pm, SW/10/4pm, SW/10/5pm + 6206' soaring ceiling/3pm.
70% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +22° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
I flew 3.2 hours, up to 6050'. Many other happy PG pilots.
Saturday: Good: SW/9knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Maybe: W/5knot/4pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/10/23. 9:20am
Sunset at 6:04 pm.
RASP: W/3knot(10mAlt)/3pm, NW/3/4pm, NNW/4/5pm. SW/8mph/3pm, WSW/8/4pm, WSW/8/5pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/8mph/3pm, SW/8/4pm, SW/10/5pm + 5241' soaring ceiling/3pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +90° cross.
According to RASP, in a light wind eddy of E 10 mph wind between us and Banning.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
I flew 3.1 hours, up to 5400'. About 8 enjoyed the smooth-edged thermals.
Friday: Good: SW/7knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Good: SW/5knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/10/22. 9:38am
Sunset at 6:06 pm.
RASP: SSW/5knot(10mAlt)/3pm, S/5/4pm, ENE/5/5pm. WSW/6mph/3pm, WSW/8/4pm, WSW/9/5pm, Sunny / Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/7mph/3pm, SW/7/4pm, SW/9/5pm + 5876' soaring ceiling/3pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +90° cross.
According to RASP, in a wind eddy of E 17 mph wind between us and Banning.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Thursday: Maybe: SW/4knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. In a light wind eddy.
Friday: Good: WSW/5knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/10/21. 10:02am
Sunset at 6:07 pm.
RASP: W-WNW/5knot(10mAlt)/3pm, W-WNW/5/4pm, W-WNW/5/5pm. WSW/7mph/3pm, W/8/4pm, W/9/5pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: W/8mph/3pm, W/8/4pm, W/9/5pm + 4011' soaring ceiling/3pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +90° cross.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Wednesday: Maybe: SW/4knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
In a wind eddy of E 12 mph wind between us and Banning.
Thursday: Maybe: WSW/5knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Again, in a wind eddy of E 12 mph wind between us and Banning.
Monday, 2014/10/20. 10:26am
Sunset at 6:08 pm.
RASP: W/5knot(10mAlt)/3pm, W/5/4pm, W-WNW/5/5pm. WSW/7mph/3pm, W/9/4pm, W/10/5pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: W/8mph/3pm, W/8/4pm, W/9/5pm + 3746' soaring ceiling/3pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
According to Jean-Noel.
Tuesday: Maybe: W/5knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Good: WSW/5knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/10/19. 9:45am
Sunset at 6:09 pm.
RASP: W/5knot(10mAlt)/3pm, W/5/4pm, W-WNW/5/5pm. W/7mph/3pm, W/8/4pm, W/8/5pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: W/7mph/3pm, W/7/4pm, W/8/5pm + 4340' soaring ceiling/3pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +90° cross.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Monday: Good: WSW/7knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Maybe: W/5knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/10/18. 11:18am
Sunset at 6:10 pm.
RASP: W/5knot(10mAlt)/3pm, W/5/4pm, WNW/5/5pm. NNW/10mph/3pm, NNW/8/4pm, W/8/5pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: W/7mph/3pm, W/7/4pm, W/8/5pm + 4967' soaring ceiling/3pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +112° cross.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Sunday: Maybe: W/7knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Bad: W-WNW/7knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/10/17. 1:49pm
Sunset at 6:11 pm.
RASP: WSW/6knot(10mAlt)/3pm, W/6/4pm, W/7/5pm. S/3mph/3pm, WNW/8/4pm, WNW/5/5pm, Partly cloudy / Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: W/9mph/3pm, W/9/4pm, W/9/5pm + 5096' soaring ceiling/3pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -45° to +67° cross.
Not helping: Light and +45° cross wind plus some cloudiness.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
5 guys took their sledders like a man.
Saturday: Maybe: W/4knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Maybe: W/5knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/10/16. 10:27am
Sunset at 6:12 pm.
RASP: W/7knot(10mAlt)/3pm, WNW/7/4pm, WNW/7/5pm. WNW/8mph/3pm, WNW/8/4pm, WSW/8/5pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: W/10mph/3pm, W/10/4pm, W/9/5pm + 5134' soaring ceiling/3pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Friday: Maybe: W/6knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Maybe: W/4knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/10/15. 10:59am
Sunset at 6:14 pm.
RASP: SW/8knot(10mAlt)/3pm, SW/7/4pm, SW/7/5pm. WSW/7mph/3pm, WSW/7/4pm, WSW/8/5pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/8mph/3pm, SW/8/4pm, W/7/5pm + 4532' soaring ceiling/3pm.
65% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
I flew 2.75 hour and up to 5750'. About 10 pilots soared at same time, with UK visitors.
Thursday: Bad: WNW/7knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Maybe: W/5knot/4pm. Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/10/14. 9:57am
Sunset at 6:15 pm.
RASP: SW/7knot(10mAlt)/3pm, SW/7/4pm, SSW/9/5pm. SW/6mph/3pm, SW/9/4pm, SW/9/5pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: SW/8mph/3pm, SW/8/4pm, SW/10/5pm + 3805' soaring ceiling/3pm.
75% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +0° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
I flew over 2.5 hour and up to 5800'. Jean-Noel, Bill and Sean also had long flights.
Wednesday: Maybe: W/7knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Bad: WNW/6knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/10/13. 10:42am
Sunset at 6:16 pm.
RASP: ENE/15knot(10mAlt)/3pm, ENE/15/4pm, ENE/15/5pm. Calm/0mph/3pm, WNW/5/4pm, WSW/9/5pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/15knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: NE/15mph/3pm, NE/15/4pm, E/12/5pm + 5312' soaring ceiling/3pm.
30% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
10:40am observation: NE 18-28 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Tuesday: Good: SW/8knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Good: WSW/6knot/4pm. Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/10/12. 12:55pm
Sunset at 6:17 pm.
RASP: WSW/5knot(10mAlt)/3pm, S/5/4pm, ESE/6/5pm. WSW/6mph/3pm, WNW/8/4pm, WSW/8/5pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: ESE/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: W/7mph/3pm, W/7/4pm, S/6/5pm + 6642' soaring ceiling/3pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -112° to +67° cross.
RASP puts us in a wind eddy, with E 15-20mph wind just 5 miles North of us.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
I launched at 3:20pm from the 800' launch and flew over 2 hours, reaching 5000'.
Dave also had a long flight.
Monday: Bad: ENE/10knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Good: SW/7knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/10/11. 1:10pm
Sunset at 6:19 pm.
RASP: NW/4knot(10mAlt)/3pm, N/6/4pm, NNE/9/5pm. NW/10mph/3pm, NNW/9/4pm, NNW/9/5pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: NW/6mph/3pm, NW/6/4pm, NW/9/5pm + 6675' soaring ceiling/3pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +90° to +158° cross.
1:05pm observation: NE 13-20 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Light
to Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Potential soarable window 4:19-5:24pm according to recorded wind near launch,
but wind behind ridge (Poppet Flats) remained NE 9-17 mph during this period.
Sunday: Maybe: W/5knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Maybe: S/9knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/10/10. 1:18pm
Sunset at 6:20 pm.
RASP: WSW-W/7knot(10mAlt)/3pm, W/6/4pm, WNW/8/5pm. NNW/3mph/3pm, WNW/5/4pm, WNW/5/5pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5141' soaring ceiling/3pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +45° cross.
One can hope that the light base wind of unfavorable direction gets overpowered by
the anabatic flow (generalized convection) thanks to the full sun.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Mike launched at 4pm from the 800' launch and flew over an hour.
Saturday: Bad: NNE/8knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Maybe: W/5knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/10/9. 1:01pm
Sunset at 6:21 pm.
RASP: W-WNW/7knot(10mAlt)/3pm, WNW/9/4pm, WNW/9/5pm. WSW/6mph/3pm, WSW/7/4pm, WSW/7/5pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4310' soaring ceiling/3pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
RASP & NOAA predicted wrong.
Friday: Maybe: WSW/5knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. WNW after 4:30pm.
Saturday: Bad: NE/4knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/10/8. 7:52am
Sunset at 6:22 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) WSW/6knot(10mAlt)/3pm, WSW/7/4pm, WSW/7/5pm. WSW/8mph/3pm, WSW/9/4pm, WSW/10/5pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4108' soaring ceiling/3pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
Wind direction not well established as RASP shows convergence line near us 3-5pm.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Thursday: Maybe: WSW/5knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Maybe: W/5knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/10/7. 10:41am
Sunset at 6:24 pm.
RASP: SW/6knot(10mAlt)/3pm, SW/5/4pm, WSW/5/5pm. SSE/6mph/3pm, WSW/6/4pm, SW/10/5pm, Mostly/Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2349' soaring ceiling/3pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -135° to +22° cross.
Cloudiness reducing thermals. Light wind and conflict in direction predictions. Low soaring ceiling.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Potential soarable window 3:44-4:14pm according to recorded wind near launch,
but wind behind ridge (Poppet Flats) remained NE 10-15 mph during this period.
Wednesday: Bad: NNW/6knot/4pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Bad: NNW/5knot/4pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/10/6. 2:46pm
Sunset at 6:25 pm.
RASP: SW/7knot(10mAlt)/3pm, SW/7/4pm, SW/7/5pm. WSW/6mph/3pm, WSW/7/4pm, WSW/10/5pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 6803' soaring ceiling/3pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +22° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Wind became good at 3:49pm.
I flew close to 2 hours and up to 4700'.
Rich, Jean-Noel, Jordan and Sean also had long flights.
Tuesday: Bad: ENE/20knot/4pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Bad: NNW/5knot/4pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/10/5. 12:39pm
Sunset at 6:26 pm.
RASP: NW/4knot(10mAlt)/3pm, NNE/8/4pm, NNE/9/5pm. Calm/0mph/3pm, W/7/4pm, WNW/7/5pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: Calm/0knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 9679' soaring ceiling/3pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
12:35pm observation: E 12-21 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Light
to Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Potential soarable window 4:14-5:10pm according to recorded wind near launch,
but wind behind ridge (Poppet Flats) remained ENE 11-17 mph during this period.
Monday: Maybe: WSW-W/7knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Bad: N/5knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/10/4. 12:34pm
Sunset at 6:28 pm.
RASP: SE/4knot(10mAlt)/3pm, E/4/4pm, ENE/8/5pm. Calm/0mph/3pm, WNW/3/4pm, N/2/5pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 8734' soaring ceiling/3pm.
35% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +67° cross.
12:30pm observation: NE 17-28 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Light
to Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Potential 30 min soarable window 5:05-5:34pm, but unsure.
Sunday: Bad: NE/9knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Bad: N/7knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. Near a wind eddy, 17mph E wind between us and Banning.
Friday, 2014/10/3. 11:59am
Sunset at 6:29 pm.
RASP: ESE/6knot(10mAlt)/3pm, E/8/4pm, ENE/12/5pm. NE/2mph/3pm, ENE/7/4pm, ENE/8/5pm, Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 8383' soaring ceiling/3pm.
30% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
11:58am observation: ENE 17-26 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Wind near launch got bad after 4:05pm.
Saturday: Bad: S/5knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. Near a wind eddy, 17mph E wind between us and Banning.
Sunday: Bad: NNE/10knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/10/2. 11:37am
Sunset at 6:30 pm.
RASP: ENE/12knot(10mAlt)/3pm, ENE/13/4pm, ENE/15/5pm. ENE/7mph/3pm, ENE/10/4pm, ENE/10/5pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/20knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: (1 day old) 8281' soaring ceiling/3pm.
20% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to -135° cross.
11:35am observation: ENE 17-28 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Moderate to
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Wind near launch got bad after 3pm.
Friday: Bad: ENE/16knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Bad: S/4knot/4pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain. In a wind eddy until 4pm, NE wind after.
Wednesday, 2014/10/1. 10:15am
Sunset at 6:32 pm.
RASP: ESE/8knot(10mAlt)/4pm, E/14/5pm, ENE/23/6pm. N/6mph/4pm, NE/8/5pm, NNE/8/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/20knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 6649' soaring ceiling/4pm.
25% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
Santa Ana wind expected to ramp up about 2 hours before sunset.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Wind direction and strength got bad after 4:25pm.
Thursday: Bad: ENE/18knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Bad: ENE/15knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/9/30. 9:01am
Sunset at 6:33 pm.
RASP: WNW/8knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WNW/9/5pm, W/9/6pm. WSW/9mph/4pm, WSW/10/5pm, WSW/10/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 7056' soaring ceiling/4pm.
35% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Wednesday: Bad: SE/5knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Bad: ENE/18knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/9/29. 10:11am
Sunset at 6:35 pm.
RASP: WNW/6knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WNW/6/5pm, WNW/7/6pm. W/7mph/4pm, WNW/7/5pm, WNW/7/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: (1 day old) 7542' soaring ceiling/4pm.
30% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +90° cross.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Recorded wind near 650' launch did not look favorable.
Tuesday: Bad: WNW/9knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Bad: ENE/4knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/9/28. 1:07pm
Sunset at 6:36 pm.
RASP: W/11knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WNW/9/5pm, SW/14/6pm. WSW/9mph/4pm, WSW/10/5pm, WSW/9/6pm, Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4640' soaring ceiling/4pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Poor conditions until 4:20pm then great after.
On my 2nd flight I reached 5000' and flew over 2 hours.
Adam had a personal best.
Monday: Bad: W/5knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Maybe: WSW-W/8knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/9/27. 2:02pm
Sunset at 6:37 pm.
RASP: (no data) ?/?knot(10mAlt)/4pm, ?/?/5pm, ?/?/6pm. WSW/11mph/4pm, WSW/11/5pm, SW/11/6pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4342' soaring ceiling/4pm.
55% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +45° cross.
RASP data unavailable.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
A local wide convergence parked itself in front of Soboba, allowing all pilots
including 3 students to have long flights in search of sinking air.
Sunday: Good: SW/5knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Bad: WNW/9knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/9/26. 2:21pm
Sunset at 6:39 pm.
RASP: SSW/14knot(10mAlt)/4pm, SSW/14/5pm, SSW/15/6pm. WSW/10mph/4pm, SSW/10/5pm, SSW/10/6pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SSW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: (1 day old) 2260' soaring ceiling/4pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +22° cross.
Stronger than typical wind.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Wind was strong, but pilots stayed low and in front, still allowing for long flights.
Saturday: Bad: W/12knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Bad: WNW/9knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/9/25. 10:55am
Sunset at 6:40 pm.
RASP: SW/12knot(10mAlt)/4pm, SW/11/5pm, SSW/11/6pm. WSW/8mph/4pm, WSW/10/5pm, WSW/10/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: (2 day old) 5309' soaring ceiling/4pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +45° cross.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
All predictor tools failed today.
Strong conditions 3 hours before sunset, then after 4:19pm wind kept increasing and direction got bad.
Mark launched early but landed in a strong cross wind, 6 others chose not to launch.
Friday: Maybe: SSW/15knot/5pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain. Stronger wind than usual.
Saturday: Good: SW/13knot/5pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/9/24. 11:29am
Sunset at 6:41 pm.
RASP: WSW/6knot(10mAlt)/4pm, SW/8/5pm, SSW/10/6pm. WNW/9mph/4pm, WNW/10/5pm, W/9/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: (1 day old) 7985' soaring ceiling/4pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
RASP was wrong (happens most often when true wind has a North component).
WNW-NW wind most of late afternoon.
Thursday: Good: SSW/9knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Good: SW/13knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/9/23. 12:06pm
Sunset at 6:43 pm.
RASP: SW/8knot(10mAlt)/4pm, SW/7/5pm, SSW/7/6pm. WSW/8mph/4pm, WSW/8/5pm, WSW/9/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5309' soaring ceiling/4pm.
75% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +22° cross.
Lighter wind than typical, but well oriented.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
I flew 2.7 hour, up to 6300'. Smooth lift over the valley at the end.
Jean-Noel, Bob, Bill N, Darrel, Jordan also had long flights.
Wednesday: Good: SW/11knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Good: SW/9knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/9/22. 11:55am
Sunset at 6:44 pm.
RASP: SW/8knot(10mAlt)/4pm, SW/11/5pm, SSW/9/6pm. WSW/10mph/4pm, WSW/10/5pm, WSW/9/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 6315' soaring ceiling/4pm.
80% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +22° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
I flew 2.25 hour, up to 4600'.
Jean-Noel, Bill N, Bill H and Sean also had long flights.
Tuesday: Good: SW/9knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Good: SSW/9knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/9/21. 12:18pm
Sunset at 6:46 pm.
RASP: WSW-W/7knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WSW-W/7/5pm, WSW/7/6pm. NNW/4mph/4pm, NNW/5/5pm, WSW/10/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5251' soaring ceiling/4pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +112° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Conditions became good around 5:30pm.
Student Jason with 1 flight before today, flew 25 minutes starting at 6pm.
Jeff and Jean-Noel flew about 45 minutes.
Monday: Good: SW/9knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Good: SW/9knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/9/20. 7:31am
Sunset at 6:47 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) SW/11knot(10mAlt)/4pm, SSW/12/5pm, SSW/12/6pm. SW/11mph/4pm, WSW/12/5pm, WSW/11/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: (1 day old) 6467' soaring ceiling/4pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +45° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Many pilots enjoyed good flights.
Sunday: Maybe: WSW/7knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. Wind direction may return to W by 6pm.
Monday: Good: WSW/8knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/9/19. 11:14am
Sunset at 6:48 pm.
RASP: WSW/9knot(10mAlt)/4pm, SW/9/5pm, SSW/9/6pm. WSW/5mph/4pm, SW/9/5pm, WSW/9/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W-WNW/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5672' soaring ceiling/4pm.
65% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Flight Report (valley crossing & return, pictures).
Saturday: Good: SW/11knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Maybe: WSW-W/8knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/9/18. 11:55am
Sunset at 6:50 pm.
RASP: WNW/11knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WNW/11/5pm, WNW/11/6pm. WSW/13mph/4pm, WSW/11/5pm, WSW/11/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3443' soaring ceiling/4pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Possible soaring after 6:00pm but a lull at 6:15pm may have interfered.
Bad according to Jean-Noel.
Friday: Good: WSW/7knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Good: SSW/12knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/9/17. 2:41pm
Sunset at 6:51 pm.
RASP: SSW/13knot(10mAlt)/4pm, SW/9/5pm, SW/11/6pm. WSW/10mph/4pm, W/10/5pm, W/12/6pm, Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 8721' soaring ceiling/4pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +90° cross.
2:30pm observations: Rain elsewhere in the county.
RASP favorable forecast seems delayed. More clouds than predicted.
Warning: Light
to Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
RASP forecast was overly optimistic.
Possible soaring window between 4:54-5:39pm but had a 4mph lull at 5:19pm.
Thursday: Maybe: WNW/11knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. Favorable wind direction after 5:45pm?
Friday: Good: SW/9knot/5pm. Sunny, 10% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/9/16. 11:27am
Sunset at 6:53 pm.
RASP: NE/15knot(10mAlt)/4pm, NE/15/5pm, ENE/15/6pm. ESE/3mph/4pm, S/7/5pm, SSE/6/6pm, Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4625' soaring ceiling/4pm.
25% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
11:20am observation: NE 19-30 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Moderate to
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Almost sure.
Wednesday: Maybe: WSW/5knot/5pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain. Near a wind eddy.
Thursday: Good: WSW/12knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/9/15. 11:08am
Sunset at 6:54 pm.
RASP: E/7knot(10mAlt)/4pm, ENE/7/5pm, E/8/6pm. WSW/6mph/4pm, SW/7/5pm, WSW/8/6pm, Partly cloudy / Mostly Sunny / Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 9257' soaring ceiling/4pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +45° cross.
11:00am observation: ENE 10-16 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Tuesday: Bad: NE/9knot/5pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Bad: ESE/9knot/5pm. T-Storms, 40% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/9/14. 12:49pm
Sunset at 6:56 pm.
RASP: ENE/9knot(10mAlt)/4pm, ENE/9/5pm, ENE/9/6pm. SSW/7mph/4pm, SSW/8/5pm, SSW/8/6pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/15knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 13833' soaring ceiling/4pm.
30% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to -22° cross.
12:45pm observation: ENE 12-20 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Bad according to Jean-Noel.
Rain at 4:00pm. SE wind during last 3 daylight hours.
Monday: Bad: E/6knot/5pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Bad: E/10knot/5pm. Mostly sunny, 10% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/9/13. 7:59am
Sunset at 6:57 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) W/5knot(10mAlt)/4pm, NE/5/5pm, ESE/9/6pm. WSW/9mph/4pm, WSW/9/5pm, WSW/9/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 13044' soaring ceiling/4pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -112° to +180° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Bad according to Mike and Rich.
Sunday: Bad: E/8knot/5pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Bad: SSE/7knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/9/12. 1:17pm
Sunset at 6:58 pm.
RASP: N/5knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WNW/5/5pm, SW/11/6pm. NNW/2mph/4pm, WSW/5/5pm, WSW/5/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 10670' soaring ceiling/4pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +125° cross.
Favorable convergence at 5:45pm, which is late.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Short possible soaring window (4:20-4:49pm) and wind turned W-WNW after.
Saturday: Maybe: W/3knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Bad: ESE/15knot/5pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/9/11. 1:03pm
Sunset at 7:00 pm.
RASP: WNW/7knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WNW/7/5pm, SSW/9/6pm. NNW/3mph/4pm, WNW/6/5pm, WNW/6/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/15knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 9857' soaring ceiling/4pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +112° cross.
Favorable convergence at 5:50pm, which is late.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Station near 650' launch recorded 17-18 mph WNW at 5:21pm.
Gabe had a 5 min flight in strong West wind, others decided not to launch.
Friday: Maybe: E/3knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Bad: NE/12knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/9/10. 11:53am
Sunset at 7:01 pm.
RASP: ESE/6knot(10mAlt)/4pm, E/6/5pm, SE/5/6pm. WNW/6mph/4pm, WNW/10/5pm, W/8/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NNW/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 9439' soaring ceiling/4pm.
35% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -135° to +112° cross.
11:50am observation: NE 14-20 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Light
to Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Wind stayed NE-ENE 12-20 mph late afternoon at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Thursday: Bad: NE/3knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Bad: SE/5knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/9/9. 2:05pm
Sunset at 7:03 pm.
RASP: W/9knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WNW/9/5pm, WSW-W/8/6pm. WSW/9mph/4pm, WSW/9/5pm, WSW/9/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 6598' soaring ceiling/4pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
2pm observation: WNW wind is increasing.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Perfect conditions for working on trailer repairs.
Wednesday: Bad: ESE/4knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Maybe: W/5knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/9/8. 2:40pm
Sunset at 7:04 pm.
RASP: WSW/9knot(10mAlt)/4pm, SW/11/5pm, SW/13/6pm. WNW/12mph/4pm, WNW/12/5pm, SW/10/6pm, Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3937' soaring ceiling/4pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
RASP predicted wrong wind direction and was closer to reality.
Much cloudier than predicted.
I took my sledder at 6:30pm from the 500' launch into a NW wind.
Tuesday: Maybe: WNW/11knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Maybe: NW/5knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/9/7. 11:28am
Sunset at 7:05 pm.
RASP: NNE/4knot(10mAlt)/4pm, W/3/5pm, SSE/5/6pm. SSE/8mph/4pm, S/8/5pm, S/9/6pm, Partly cloudy, 20% chance of rain.
NOAA: ESE/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2260' soaring ceiling/4pm.
30% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -112° to +112° cross.
11:15am observation: Rain & thunder.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Monday: Good: WSW/11knot/5pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Good: SW/9knot/5pm. Sunny, 20% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/9/6. 11:43am
Sunset at 7:07 pm.
RASP: NE/9knot(10mAlt)/4pm, NE/11/5pm, ESE/7/6pm. SSW/5mph/4pm, WSW/7/5pm, WSW/9/6pm, Partly cloudy / Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5677' soaring ceiling/4pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -112° to +180° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Contrary to RASP and NOAA predictions, wind direction was good after 3pm.
Sunday: Bad: NW/5knot/5pm. Scattered thunderstorms, 40% chance of rain.
Monday: Maybe: S/9knot/5pm. Isolated thunderstorms, 30% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/9/5. 11:44am
Sunset at 7:08 pm.
RASP: NNE/6knot(10mAlt)/4pm, NE/11/5pm, NE/12/6pm. WSW/8mph/4pm, WSW/8/5pm, WSW/9/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 6842' soaring ceiling/4pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +180° cross.
11:40am observation: NE 15-24 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Light
to Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Despite seamingly decent wind conditions at launch between 4:20 and 5:30pm,
Poppet Flats (behind mountain) was 9-16 mph NE at 5:00pm.
Saturday: Bad: NNE/6knot/5pm. Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
Sunday: Bad: S/6knot/5pm. Afternoon thunderstorms, 40% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/9/4. 12:39pm
Sunset at 7:09 pm.
RASP: W-WNW/8knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WNW/8/5pm, W/9/6pm. NNW/4mph/4pm, WNW/6/5pm, WNW/5/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4541' soaring ceiling/4pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +112° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Guess.
Possible soaring after 4:50pm (wind direction became OK) and before 6:05pm (wind got light).
Friday: Maybe: W/7knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Good: SW/11knot/5pm. Mostly sunny, 10% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/9/3. 11:14am
Sunset at 7:11 pm.
RASP: W/8knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WSW/9/5pm, SW/12/6pm. WSW/7mph/4pm, WSW/10/5pm, WSW/10/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5022' soaring ceiling/4pm.
65% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +45° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Flight Report.
Thursday: Good: SW/9knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Good: SW/7knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/9/2. 10:12am
Sunset at 7:12 pm.
RASP: SW/9knot(10mAlt)/4pm, SW/9/5pm, SW/9/6pm. SW/11mph/4pm, SW/11/5pm, WSW/10/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SSW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5217' soaring ceiling/4pm.
80% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +22° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Flight Report.
Wednesday: Good: SSW-SW/9knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Good: WSW/8knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/9/1. 12:28pm
Sunset at 7:13 pm.
RASP: SW/8knot(10mAlt)/4pm, SW/9/5pm, SSW/11/6pm. WSW/9mph/4pm, SW/10/5pm, WSW/11/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5024' soaring ceiling/4pm.
80% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +22° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Tuesday: Good: SW/9knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Good: WSW/8knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/8/31. 10:49am
Sunset at 7:15 pm.
RASP: WNW/11knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WNW/10/5pm, WSW/11/6pm. WSW/9mph/4pm, SW/11/5pm, SW/10/6pm, Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4580' soaring ceiling/4pm.
55% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
RASP predicts switch to favorable wind at 5:40pm.
Hindsight: Good & Guess.
Monday: Good: SW/9knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Good: SW/11knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/8/30. 9:42am
Sunset at 7:16 pm.
RASP: WNW/9knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WNW/8/5pm, SW/10/6pm. WSW/10mph/4pm, WSW/11/5pm, WSW/10/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5485' soaring ceiling/4pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +90° cross.
RASP predicts switch to favorable wind at 5:30pm.
Hindsight: Good & Guess.
Recorded wind near 650' launch suggests soarable between 4:30-6:15pm.
Sunday: Good: WSW/10knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Good: SW/9knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/8/29. 11:34am
Sunset at 7:17 pm.
RASP: SW/8knot(10mAlt)/4pm, SW/9/5pm, SSW/12/6pm. WSW/8mph/4pm, WSW/9/5pm, WSW/11/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 10965' soaring ceiling/4pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Flight Report.
Saturday: Good: WSW/8knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Good: SW/11knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/8/28. 12:02pm
Sunset at 7:19 pm.
RASP: W/9knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WNW/11/5pm, WNW/13/6pm. WNW/9mph/4pm, W/11/5pm, W/12/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW-NW/15knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 8341' soaring ceiling/4pm.
25% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +90° cross.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Friday: Bad: WNW/9knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Maybe: WNW/11knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/8/27. 10:01am
Sunset at 7:20 pm.
RASP: Unavailable ?/?knot(10mAlt)/4pm, ?/?/5pm, ?/?/6pm. W/11mph/4pm, W/11/5pm, W/11/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 8491' soaring ceiling/4pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
RASP data unavailable.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Recorded wind near 650' launch was W-WNW after 3:30pm.
Thursday: Bad: W/11knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Maybe: W/11knot/5pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/8/26. 7:10am
Sunset at 7:21 pm.
RASP: Unavailable ?/?knot(10mAlt)/4pm, ?/?/5pm, ?/?/6pm. WSW/11mph/4pm, WSW/11/5pm, WSW/11/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: (1 day old) 5932' soaring ceiling/4pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
RASP data unavailable.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Less windy and smoother after 6pm. PG student Brian flew 45 min.
Wednesday: Maybe: W/11knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Bad: WNW/11knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/8/25. 11:59am
Sunset at 7:23 pm.
RASP: Unavailable ?/?knot(10mAlt)/4pm, ?/?/5pm, ?/?/6pm. WSW/10mph/4pm, WSW/11/5pm, WSW/10/6pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW-W/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5340' soaring ceiling/4pm.
55% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +45° cross.
RASP data unavailable.
Cloudiness reducing thermals.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Flight Report.
Tuesday: Good: WSW/12knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Maybe: W/11knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/8/24. 12:05pm
Sunset at 7:24 pm.
RASP: Unavailable ?/?knot(10mAlt)/4pm, ?/?/5pm, ?/?/6pm. WSW/7mph/4pm, WSW/9/5pm, WSW/10/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW-WSW/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5552' soaring ceiling/4pm.
65% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +22° cross.
RASP data unavailable.
Hindsight: Good & Guess.
More cloudiness than forecasted.
Monday: Good: SSW/11knot/5pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Good: SSW/11knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/8/23. 10:53am
Sunset at 7:25 pm.
RASP: Unavailable ?/?knot(10mAlt)/4pm, ?/?/5pm, ?/?/6pm. WSW/10mph/4pm, WSW/10/5pm, WSW/10/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 6674' soaring ceiling/4pm.
65% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +22° cross.
RASP data unavailable.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Flight Report.
Sunday: Good: WSW/10knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Good: SW/10knot/5pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/8/22. 11:39am
Sunset at 7:26 pm.
RASP: Unavailable ?/?knot(10mAlt)/4pm, ?/?/5pm, ?/?/6pm. WSW/13mph/4pm, WSW/12/5pm, WSW/12/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 6237' soaring ceiling/4pm.
70% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +22° cross.
RASP data unavailable.
Jerome marries Jen & Chad at 6:00pm on 500' launch.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Lots of happy pilots and newlyweds.
Saturday: Good: WSW/10knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Good: WSW/10knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/8/21. 2:18pm
Sunset at 7:28 pm.
RASP: Unavailable ?/?knot(10mAlt)/4pm, ?/?/5pm, ?/?/6pm. SSW/10mph/4pm, WSW/10/5pm, NNW/6/6pm, Mostly sunny, 10% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 6247' soaring ceiling/4pm.
55% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +112° cross.
RASP data unavailable.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Mike says he flew over an hour but air was rough.
Friday: Good: WSW/12knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Good: WSW/11knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/8/20. 2:03pm
Sunset at 7:29 pm.
RASP: Unavailable ?/?knot(10mAlt)/4pm, ?/?/5pm, ?/?/6pm. SSW/9mph/4pm, WSW/12/5pm, WSW/11/6pm, Partly cloudy, 15% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4700' soaring ceiling/4pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to 0° cross.
RASP data unavailable.
Cloudiness reducing thermals.
Hindsight: Good & Guess.
Launching at 5:00pm may have resulted in a soaring flight, but got light after 5:30pm.
Thursday: Good: SW/11knot/5pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Good: SSW/12knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/8/19. 7:51am
Sunset at 7:30 pm.
RASP: Unavailable ?/?knot(10mAlt)/5pm, ?/?/6pm, ?/?/7pm. SW/12mph/5pm, SW/11/6pm, SW/10/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SSW-SW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: (1 day old) 2640' soaring ceiling/5pm.
65% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to 0° cross.
RASP data unavailable.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Flight Report.
Wednesday: Good: SW/10knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Good: WSW/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 10% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/8/18. 7:53am
Sunset at 7:31 pm.
RASP: Unavailable ?/?knot(10mAlt)/5pm, ?/?/6pm, ?/?/7pm. WSW/12mph/5pm, WSW/11/6pm, WSW/9/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W-WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4245' soaring ceiling/5pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
RASP data unavailable.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Rich says conditions too gusty before 5pm, too light after 5:30pm.
Tuesday: Good: SW/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Good: SW/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 20% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/8/17. 7:56am
Sunset at 7:32 pm.
RASP: Unavailable ?/?knot(10mAlt)/5pm, ?/?/6pm, ?/?/7pm. WSW/11mph/5pm, WSW/11/6pm, WSW/9/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5027' soaring ceiling/5pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
RASP data unavailable.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Recorded wind direction near 650' launch during late afternon was W-WNW (bad).
Monday: Good: SW/9knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Good: SW/14knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/8/16. 7:50am
Sunset at 7:33 pm.
RASP: (to be updated, 1 day old) WNW/9knot(10mAlt)/5pm, WNW/9/6pm, SW/8/7pm. W/12mph/5pm, W/11/6pm, W/9/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5673' soaring ceiling/5pm.
35% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +90° cross.
RASP data to be updated, 1 day old.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Recorded wind direction near 650' launch during late afternon was W-WNW (bad).
Sunday: Maybe: WSW-W/10knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Good: SW/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/8/15. 8:02am
Sunset at 7:35 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) WSW/9knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/13/6pm, SSW/9/7pm. W/11mph/5pm, WSW/11/6pm, WSW/9/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 6132' soaring ceiling/5pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +67° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Saturday: Bad: WNW/9knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Maybe: WSW-W/13knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/8/14. 7:59am
Sunset at 7:36 pm.
RASP: (to be updated, 1 day old) SW/11knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/11/6pm, SSW/9/7pm. WSW/11mph/5pm, WSW/11/6pm, WSW/9/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4118' soaring ceiling/5pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +22° cross.
RASP data to be updated, 1 day old.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Friday: Good: SW/13knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Maybe: ?/?knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/8/13. 7:51am
Sunset at 7:37 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) SW/11knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/12/6pm, SSW/8/7pm. WSW/11mph/5pm, WSW/11/6pm, WSW/9/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4325' soaring ceiling/5pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +67° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Thursday: Good: SSW/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Good: SW/13knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/8/12. 8:06am
Sunset at 7:38 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) W-WNW/11knot(10mAlt)/5pm, WSW/12/6pm, SSW/9/7pm. WSW/12mph/5pm, WSW/12/6pm, WSW/10/7pm, Partly cloudy, 20% chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW-W/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4466' soaring ceiling/5pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +67° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
Cloudiness reducing thermals. Slight chance of rain.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Wednesday: Good: SW/12knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Good: SSW/13knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/8/11. 7:56am
Sunset at 7:39 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) WSW/9knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/13/6pm, SSW/7/7pm. WSW/11mph/5pm, WSW/11/6pm, WSW/9/7pm, Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4030' soaring ceiling/5pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +67° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Tuesday: Good: S/9knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Good: SSW/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/8/10. 7:46am
Sunset at 7:40 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) WNW/7knot(10mAlt)/5pm, W/8/6pm, SSW/7/7pm. WSW/11mph/5pm, WSW/11/6pm, WSW/9/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W-WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3764' soaring ceiling/5pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +67° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
Hindsight: Good & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
Jean-Noel had long flight, but 2 others who tried did not.
Monday: Good: SW/7knot/6pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Good: SW/9knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/8/9. 1:01pm
Sunset at 7:41 pm.
RASP: WSW-W/9knot(10mAlt)/5pm, WSW/10/6pm, SSW/9/7pm. SW/7mph/5pm, WSW/8/6pm, WSW/9/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4176' soaring ceiling/5pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +45° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
Sunday: Good: SW/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Good: SSW/10knot/6pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/8/8. 11:41am
Sunset at 7:42 pm.
RASP: WNW/9knot(10mAlt)/5pm, WNW/9/6pm, SSW/9/7pm. WSW/7mph/5pm, WSW/11/6pm, WSW/10/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4403' soaring ceiling/5pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Guess.
Maybe good from 5:20pm to 6:00pm according to recorded wind.
Saturday: Good: SW/9knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Good: SSW/10knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/8/7. 12:59pm
Sunset at 7:43 pm.
RASP: WSW-W/7knot(10mAlt)/5pm, WSW/9/6pm, SSW/9/7pm. WNW/4mph/5pm, WSW/7/6pm, WSW/9/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5102' soaring ceiling/5pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Guess.
Good wind direction after 5:15pm.
Friday: Good: SSW/9knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Bad: SSE/7knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/8/6. 11:41am
Sunset at 7:44 pm.
RASP: W/8knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/11/6pm, SSW/10/7pm. WSW/6mph/5pm, WSW/10/6pm, WSW/10/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: Unknown/Unknown/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5147' soaring ceiling/5pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +45° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure. According to Mike.
Thursday: Good: SW/13knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Good: SSW/10knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/8/5. 2:17pm
Sunset at 7:45 pm.
RASP: WNW/11knot(10mAlt)/5pm, WSW-W/11/6pm, SSW/9/7pm. WSW/9mph/5pm, WSW/9/6pm, WSW/9/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W-WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5084' soaring ceiling/5pm.
55% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +67° cross.
Favorable 6pm convergence?
Hindsight: Good & Guess.
Wednesday: Good: SW/13knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Good: SW/12knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/8/4. 9:19am
Sunset at 7:46 pm.
RASP: W/11knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/11/6pm, SSW/11/7pm. WSW/11mph/5pm, WSW/11/6pm, WSW/10/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW-W/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 6967' soaring ceiling/5pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +45° cross.
Higher altitude gain (7k at 5pm, but only 4.7k at 6pm) than usual?
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Tuesday: Good: SW/15knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Good: SW/13knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/8/3. 11:58am
Sunset at 7:47 pm.
RASP: ENE/10knot(10mAlt)/5pm, ESE/6/6pm, SW/7/7pm. WSW/4mph/5pm, WSW/7/6pm, WSW/8/7pm, Thunderstorms / Scattered T-Storms, 90% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3828' soaring ceiling/5pm.
15% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +67° cross.
Rain likely at 5pm, light rain observed at 11:45am.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Monday: Bad: WNW/9knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Maybe: W/10knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/8/2. 12:42pm
Sunset at 7:47 pm.
RASP: S/18knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SSE/11/6pm, W/5/7pm. SSE/5mph/5pm, W/10/6pm, WNW/9/7pm, Cloudy / T-storms, 90% chance of rain.
NOAA: SSE/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2888' soaring ceiling/5pm.
15% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -67° to +67° cross.
Rain likely at 6pm, rain and thunder observed at noon.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Sunday: Bad: WNW/15knot/6pm. Scattered T-Storms, 40% chance of rain.
Monday: Bad: WNW/13knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/8/1. 2:02pm
Sunset at 7:48 pm.
RASP: SW/13knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/9/6pm, SSW/8/7pm. SSW/9mph/5pm, SW/9/6pm, WSW/9/7pm, Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5381' soaring ceiling/5pm.
70% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +22° cross.
Nearby afternoon thunderstorm will hopefully stay away.
Hindsight: Good & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
Saturday: Bad: W/3knot/6pm. Cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Bad: WNW/12knot/6pm. Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/7/31. 12:15pm
Sunset at 7:49 pm.
RASP: WNW/9knot(10mAlt)/5pm, WNW/9/6pm, W/9/7pm. WNW/9mph/5pm, W/12/6pm, WSW/12/7pm, Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5403' soaring ceiling/5pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
Friday: Unknown: (No RASP data) ?/?/6pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Maybe: WSW/9knot/6pm. Isolated T-Storms, 30% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/7/30. 11:05am
Sunset at 7:50 pm.
RASP: WNW/9knot(10mAlt)/5pm, WNW/11/6pm, WSW/8/7pm. W/12mph/5pm, WSW/12/6pm, WSW/11/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5567' soaring ceiling/5pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
Thursday: Bad: WNW/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Maybe: W/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/7/29. 12:06pm
Sunset at 7:51 pm.
RASP: WNW/9knot(10mAlt)/5pm, WNW/11/6pm, W/8/7pm. WSW/11mph/5pm, W/12/6pm, W/12/7pm, Partly cloudy / Mostly Cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 6200' soaring ceiling/5pm.
35% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
Cloudiness will reduce thermals.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
Wednesday: Maybe: W/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Bad: WNW/10knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/7/28. 11:25am
Sunset at 7:52 pm.
RASP: W/11knot(10mAlt)/5pm, W/10/6pm, SW/11/7pm. W/12mph/5pm, W/10/6pm, W/9/7pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5583' soaring ceiling/5pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +90° cross.
Cloudiness will reduce thermals.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
Tuesday: Maybe: W/10knot/6pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Maybe: WSW/11knot/6pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/7/27. 12:25pm
Sunset at 7:52 pm.
RASP: NW/7knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/12/6pm, SSW/7/7pm. SSE/7mph/5pm, W/9/6pm, W/8/7pm, Cloudy / Mostly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4468' soaring ceiling/5pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -67° to +90° cross.
Favorable wind starting at 5:40pm?
Cloudiness will reduce thermals. Slight chance of rain.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
Monday: Good: WSW/11knot/6pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Maybe: W/9knot/6pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/7/26. 9:59am
Sunset at 7:53 pm.
RASP: WSW/13knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/11/6pm, SW/8/7pm. W/12mph/5pm, W/10/6pm, W/9/7pm, Partly cloudy, 20% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3863' soaring ceiling/5pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +45° cross.
Cloudiness will reduce thermals. Slight chance of rain.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Sunday: Bad: NNE/5knot/6pm. Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Good: SW/13knot/6pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/7/25. 12:58pm
Sunset at 7:54 pm.
RASP: SW/10knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SSW/7/6pm, SSW/8/7pm. WNW/14mph/5pm, WNW/11/6pm, WSW/9/7pm, Mostly cloudy/ Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4175' soaring ceiling/5pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +67° cross.
Cloudiness will reduce thermals. Slight chance of rain.
Hindsight: Good & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
Saturday: Good: SW/11knot/6pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Bad: NW/5knot/6pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/7/24. 5:04pm
Sunset at 7:54 pm.
RASP: WSW/9knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/11/6pm, SSW/6/7pm. NNW/9mph/5pm, WNW/15/6pm, WNW/11/7pm, Mostly sunny / Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4892' soaring ceiling/5pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +112° cross.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Friday: Maybe: W/9knot/6pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Good: SW/12knot/6pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
2014/7/23. Bad & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
2014/7/22. Bad & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
2014/7/21. Bad & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
2014/7/20. Good & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
2014/7/19. Good & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
2014/7/18. Good & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
2014/7/17. Good & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
2014/7/16. Good & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
2014/7/15. Good & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
2014/7/14. Bad & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
2014/7/13. Bad & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
2014/7/12. Bad & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
2014/7/11. Good & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
2014/7/10. Good & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
2014/7/9. Good & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
2014/7/8. Good & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
2014/7/7. Good & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
2014/7/6. Bad & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
2014/7/5. Good & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
2014/7/4. Good & Sure. According to Bob D + Mike R + Jean-Noel.
2014/7/3. Good & Sure. According to Bob D + Jean-Noel.
2014/7/2. Bad & Sure. According to Bob D + Jean-Noel.
2014/7/1. Bad & Sure. According to Bob D + Jean-Noel.
2014/6/30. Bad & Sure. According to Jean-Noel.
2014/6/29. Good & Guess.
2014/6/28. Good & Sure. According to Rich.
Friday, 2014/6/27. 10:09am
Sunset at 8:03 pm.
RASP: WNW/10knot(10mAlt)/5pm, WNW/11/6pm, WSW/11/7pm. WSW/12mph/5pm, WSW/11/6pm, WSW/9/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5267' soaring ceiling/5pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Guess.
Saturday: Good: SW/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Good: SW/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/6/26. 2:38pm
Sunset at 8:02 pm.
RASP: WNW/16knot(10mAlt)/5pm, WNW/15/6pm, W/13/7pm. WSW/12mph/5pm, WNW/10/6pm, WNW/9/7pm, Partly Cloudy / Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/15knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3565' soaring ceiling/5pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Guess.
Recorded wind near 650' lauch indicates possibly good after 5:24 pm.
Friday: Good: WSW/13knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Good: WSW/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/6/25. 11:07am
Sunset at 8:02 pm.
RASP: W/9knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/13/6pm, SW/9/7pm. WSW/11mph/5pm, WSW/10/6pm, WSW/9/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4293' soaring ceiling/5pm.
65% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +45° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Guess.
Thursday: Maybe: WNW/17knot/6pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Maybe: W/12knot/6pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/6/24. 2:14pm
Sunset at 8:02 pm.
RASP: WNW/9knot(10mAlt)/5pm, WNW/10/6pm, WSW/10/7pm. W/11mph/5pm, WSW/10/6pm, WSW/8/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4489' soaring ceiling/5pm.
55% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Wednesday: Maybe: W/10knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Good: SW/15knot/6pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/6/23. 8:22am
Sunset at 8:02 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) WSW/11knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/13/6pm, SSW/9/7pm. WSW/11mph/5pm, WSW/10/6pm, WSW/8/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4440' soaring ceiling/5pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +45° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
Hindsight: Good & Guess.
Tuesday: Maybe: W/9knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Good: WSW/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/6/22. 7:51am
Sunset at 8:02 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) WSW/9knot(10mAlt)/5pm, WSW/11/6pm, SW/11/7pm. W/12mph/5pm, W/11/6pm, W/9/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4303' soaring ceiling/5pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +45° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
Wind direction uncertain: RASP predicts convergence line barely moving North past us.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Flight Report.
Monday: Good: WSW/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Good: SW/13knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/6/21. 7:46am
Sunset at 8:02 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) SW/11knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SSW/13/6pm, SSW/10/7pm. WSW/12mph/5pm, WSW/11/6pm, WSW/9/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4012' soaring ceiling/5pm.
65% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +45° cross.
RASP data to be updated. Low soaring ceiling.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Much more cloudiness than predicted.
About a dozen pilots enjoyed their flights.
Student Max flew 1.5 hour.
Sunday: Good: SW/13knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Good: WSW/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/6/20. 1:51pm
Sunset at 8:02 pm.
RASP: WSW/11knot(10mAlt)/5pm, WSW/11/6pm, WSW/8/7pm. WNW/11mph/5pm, WNW/6/6pm, WNW/7/7pm, Mostly sunny / Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5135' soaring ceiling/5pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
Wind direction uncertain: RASP predicts convergence line staying over Soboba from 5 to 7pm.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Wind stayed WNW-NW.
Saturday: Good: SW/13knot/6pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Good: SW/13knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/6/19. 4:07pm
Sunset at 8:01 pm.
RASP: SW/12knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SSW/11/6pm, SSW/6/7pm. W/12mph/5pm, W/10/6pm, WNW/8/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 6719' soaring ceiling/5pm.
55% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Bill says it was OK with him getting about 1 hour.
Friday: Good: SW/11knot/6pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Good: SW/13knot/6pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/6/18. 7:56am
Sunset at 8:01 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) WSW/9knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SSW/17/6pm, SSW/9/7pm. W/11mph/5pm, W/10/6pm, WNW/8/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: (1 day old) 4766' soaring ceiling/5pm.
55% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +67° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Not as good as yesterday, but many pilots still happy with long flights.
Thursday: Good: SSW/10knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Good: SSW/12knot/6pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/6/17. 10:15am
Sunset at 8:01 pm.
RASP: SW/15knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/14/6pm, SW/12/7pm. WSW/13mph/5pm, WSW/12/6pm, WSW/10/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4232' soaring ceiling/5pm.
65% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +22° cross.
RASP predicts convergence line staying close to us, so wind direction less certain.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Flight Report.
Wednesday: Good: SW/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Good: SSW/11knot/6pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/6/16. 11:04am
Sunset at 8:00 pm.
RASP: WSW/14knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SSW/17/6pm, SSW/13/7pm. W/13mph/5pm, W/12/6pm, W/10/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4743' soaring ceiling/5pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +45° cross.
Easy to climb out but be careful of wind strength above mountain.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Jordans says it was good and that Bill reached 5000'.
Tuesday: Maybe: SW/17knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Good: WSW/9knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/6/15. 11:48am
Sunset at 8:00 pm.
RASP: SW/13knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/15/6pm, SSW/12/7pm. WSW/14mph/5pm, W/12/6pm, W/11/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4304' soaring ceiling/5pm.
0% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +45° cross.
No flying all day due to TFR.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
TFR prevented flying.
Monday: Maybe: SW/17knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
No flying before 10:30am due to TFR.
Stronger wind than typical.
Tuesday: Good: SW/14knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/6/14. 7:54am
Sunset at 8:00 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) W/9knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/15/6pm, SSW/10/7pm. W/12mph/5pm, W/11/6pm, W/9/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4742' soaring ceiling/5pm.
0% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +67° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
No flying after 1:45pm due to TFR.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
TFR prevented flying.
Sunday: Bad: SW/15knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
No flying all day due to TFR.
Monday: Good: SSW/15knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
No flying before 10:30am due to TFR.
Friday, 2014/6/13. 7:53am
Sunset at 7:59 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) W/13knot(10mAlt)/5pm, WSW/13/6pm, SW/11/7pm. W/13mph/5pm, W/11/6pm, W/10/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: (1 day old) 4201' soaring ceiling/5pm.
0% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +45° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
No flying after 5:30pm due to TFR.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
TFR prevented flying after 5:30pm.
Saturday: Bad: SW/14knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
No flying before 8:30am and after 1:45pm due to TFR.
Sunday: Bad: SSW/17knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
No flying all day due to TFR.
Thursday, 2014/6/12. 7:58am
Sunset at 7:59 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) SW/13knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/13/6pm, SSW/10/7pm. W/12mph/5pm, W/11/6pm, W/9/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4413' soaring ceiling/5pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +45° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
Launch early (5pm).
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
About a dozen pilots enjoyed long flights. Adam had a personal best duration.
Friday: Bad: W/13knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
No flying after 5:30pm due to TFR.
Saturday: Bad: SW/14knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
No flying before 8:30am and after 1:45pm due to TFR.
Wednesday, 2014/6/11. 7:57am
Sunset at 7:59 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) WSW/11knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/13/6pm, SSW/11/7pm. WSW/12mph/5pm, WSW/11/6pm, WSW/9/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4137' soaring ceiling/5pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +45° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
Launch early (5pm).
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Jean-Noel reported limited altitude & bumpy like yesterday.
Thursday: Good: SW/14knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Good: WSW/13knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/6/10. 7:48am
Sunset at 7:58 pm.
RASP: (1 day old) SW/13knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/13/6pm, SW/11/7pm. WSW/11mph/5pm, WSW/10/6pm, WSW/10/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SSW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4056' soaring ceiling/5pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +22° cross.
RASP data to be updated (1 day old).
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Bob & Jean-Noel reported limited altitude & bumpy like yesterday.
Wednesday: Good: SW/14knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Good: WSW/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/6/9. 10:48am
Sunset at 7:58 pm.
RASP: SSW/9knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/9/6pm, SSW/7/7pm. WSW/11mph/5pm, WSW/10/6pm, WSW/8/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4227' soaring ceiling/5pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +22° cross.
Launch early.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Flight report.
Tuesday: Good: SSW/12knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Good: SW/14knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/6/8. 10:58am
Sunset at 7:57 pm.
RASP: W/9knot(10mAlt)/5pm, WSW-W/10/6pm, WSW/7/7pm. W/8mph/5pm, W/7/6pm, W/6/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4581' soaring ceiling/5pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +90° cross.
Launch early.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Jean-Noel says only speed wings flew and it did not look good enough for soaring a paraglider.
Monday: Good: SW/9knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Good: SW/13knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/6/7. 1:02pm
Sunset at 7:57 pm.
RASP: W-WNW/9knot(10mAlt)/5pm, WSW-W/9/6pm, SW/11/7pm. WNW/7mph/5pm, WNW/7/6pm, W/7/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4853' soaring ceiling/5pm.
55% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Light conditions and limited altitude (4200') but it made many pilots happy.
Sunday: Good: SW/9knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Good: SSW/9knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/6/6. 11:23am
Sunset at 7:56 pm.
RASP: WNW/11knot(10mAlt)/5pm, WSW/12/6pm, SSW/11/7pm. W/12mph/5pm, W/11/6pm, W/9/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5288' soaring ceiling/5pm.
55% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Flight report.
Saturday: Maybe: W/9knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Good: SW/10knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/6/5. 11:01am
Sunset at 7:56 pm.
RASP: WNW/9knot(10mAlt)/5pm, WSW/10/6pm, SW/9/7pm. W/12mph/5pm, W/10/6pm, W/9/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4842' soaring ceiling/5pm.
55% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Flight report.
Friday: Maybe: W/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Bad: WNW/9knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/6/4. 10:57am
Sunset at 7:55 pm.
RASP: WNW/9knot(10mAlt)/5pm, WNW/8/6pm, SW/11/7pm. W/11mph/5pm, W/10/6pm, W/8/7pm, Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5788' soaring ceiling/5pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
RASP predicts arrival of favorable convergence at 6:40pm (late).
Hindsight: Good & Guess.
2 possible soaring windows: 5:30-6:09pm then 6:29-7:09pm.
Thursday: Maybe: W/10knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Maybe: W/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/6/3. 3:50pm
Sunset at 7:55 pm.
RASP: W/7knot(10mAlt)/5pm, WSW/9/6pm, SW/10/7pm. NNW/15mph/5pm, NW/14/6pm, WNW/11/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 6442' soaring ceiling/5pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +112° cross.
Possible better altitude gain than previous days.
3:40pm observation: More NW wind component than predicted by RASP or observed yesterday at same time.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Wind mostly from the West.
Wednesday: Good: WSW/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Maybe: WSW/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. WNW wind direction before 5:45pm?
Monday, 2014/6/2. 3:04pm
Sunset at 7:54 pm.
RASP: WSW/13knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/13/6pm, NoData/7pm. WNW/8mph/5pm, W/7/6pm, WNW/8/7pm, Partly cloudy / Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/15knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4348' soaring ceiling/5pm.
55% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +90° cross.
RASP predicts convergence line staying close so wind direction less predictable.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Flight report.
Tuesday: Bad: WNW/9knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Bad: WNW/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/6/1. 7:45am
Sunset at 7:54 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) WSW/7knot(10mAlt)/5pm, WSW/8/6pm, SW/11/7pm. WSW/11mph/5pm, WSW/10/6pm, WSW/8/7pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5015' soaring ceiling/5pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
Lighter wind than usual, so launch earlier (5pm)?
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Monday: Good: WSW/13knot/6pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Bad: WNW/9knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. Convergence only arriving at 7pm?
Saturday, 2014/5/31. 7:53am
Sunset at 7:53 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) W/11knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/13/6pm, SSW/10/7pm. W/11mph/5pm, W/10/6pm, W/8/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4218' soaring ceiling/5pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +67° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Sunday: Good: SW/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Maybe: W/14knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/5/30. 10:05am
Sunset at 7:53 pm.
RASP: WSW/9knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/13/6pm, SSW/9/7pm. W/11mph/5pm, W/10/6pm, W/8/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4922' soaring ceiling/5pm.
65% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Saturday: Good: SW/13knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Maybe: WNW/9knot/6pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain. Favorable wind after 6:20pm?
Thursday, 2014/5/29. 10:49am
Sunset at 7:52 pm.
RASP: (1 day old forecast) SW/11knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/12/6pm, SSW/11/7pm. W/11mph/5pm, W/10/6pm, W/8/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4055' soaring ceiling/5pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +45° cross.
RASP forecast is 1 day old.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Friday: Good: WSW/13knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Good: SW/12knot/6pm (No RASP data, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/5/28. 10:35am
Sunset at 7:51 pm.
RASP: SW/11knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/13/6pm, SW/10/7pm. WSW/11mph/5pm, WSW/10/6pm, WSW/8/7pm, Mostly sunny / Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4226' soaring ceiling/5pm.
70% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +22° cross.
Better to launch early (5pm) as cloudiness will reduce thermal strength.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Flight report.
Thursday: Good: SW/12knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Good: WSW/13knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/5/27. 7:52am
Sunset at 7:51 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) SSW/13knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/11/6pm, SSW/9/7pm. WSW/11mph/5pm, WSW/10/6pm, WSW/8/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4045' soaring ceiling/5pm.
65% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +67° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Jordan had a long flight in light conditions.
Wednesday: Good: SW/13knot/6pm. Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
Thursday: Good: SW/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/5/26. 7:56am
Sunset at 7:50 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) WSW/12knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SSW/13/6pm, SSW/9/7pm. WSW/11mph/5pm, WSW/10/6pm, WSW/8/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4518' soaring ceiling/5pm.
65% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +90° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Tuesday: Good: SW/12knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Good: SW/13knot/6pm. Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/5/25. 11:59am
Sunset at 7:49 pm.
RASP: SW/16knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SSW/11/6pm, SSW/7/7pm. NNW/7mph/5pm, W/9/6pm, WSW/8/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4501' soaring ceiling/5pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +112° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Mike launched from the 800' at 5:40pm and flew over an hour.
Monday: Good: WSW/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Good: SSW/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/5/24. 7:50am
Sunset at 7:49 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) WSW/10knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/13/6pm, SW/11/7pm. W/11mph/5pm, W/10/6pm, W/8/7pm, Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4523' soaring ceiling/5pm.
65% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +0° to +45° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Sunday: Good: SW/13knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Good: WSW/9knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/5/23. 11:41am
Sunset at 7:48 pm.
RASP: WNW/8knot(10mAlt)/5pm, S/10/6pm, SSW/11/7pm. WNW/13mph/5pm, W/10/6pm, W/9/7pm, Partly cloudy / Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5531' soaring ceiling/5pm.
55% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -45° to +67° cross.
RASP predicts convergence at 5pm.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Flight report.
Saturday: Good: SW/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Good: SW/13knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/5/22. 10:13am
Sunset at 7:47 pm.
RASP: SW/6knot(10mAlt)/5pm, ESE/11/6pm, WNW/3/7pm. W/10mph/5pm, W/9/6pm, W/8/7pm, Isolated T-Storms, 30% chance of rain 5-7pm, 70% at 3pm.
NOAA: SW/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4853' soaring ceiling/5pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -113° to +67° cross.
Variable wind direction. Chance of rain.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Only a few drops or rain according to Bob.
Windy (13-17 mph) until 5pm, SSE 7-13 mph at 5:34pm, WNW 8-11 mph at 6:29pm, possible soaring moments in between.
Adam says nobody flew.
Friday: Maybe: W/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. Favorable convergence at 6:00pm?
Saturday: Good: WSW/11knot/6pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/5/21. 10:53am
Sunset at 7:47 pm.
RASP: W/8knot(10mAlt)/5pm, W/9/6pm, SSW/15/7pm. W/11mph/5pm, W/10/6pm, W/9/7pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 6170' soaring ceiling/5pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +67° cross.
RASP predicts favorable convergence at 6:30pm (late).
Hindsight: Good & Guess.
Wind direction became favorable after 5pm (90 minutes earlier than RASP predicted).
Thursday: Maybe: SW/9knot/6pm. Isolated T-Storms, 30% chance of rain (6pm), 50% at 2pm.
Friday: Maybe: WSW-W/12knot/6pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain. Favorable convergence at 6:00pm?
Tuesday, 2014/5/20. 11:49am
Sunset at 7:46 pm.
RASP: WSW/17knot(10mAlt)/5pm, WSW/15/6pm, WSW-W/14/7pm. WSW/14mph/5pm, WSW/13/6pm, WSW/11/7pm, Sunny / Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW/15knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4520' soaring ceiling/5pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +45° cross.
More wind than ideal, expect shear/turbulence layer about 300' over LZ.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Flight report.
Wednesday: Maybe/Bad: WNW/8knot/6pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain. Favorable convergence at 6:30pm?
Thursday: Maybe/Bad: NNW/9knot/6pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain. Favorable convergence at 6:15pm?
Monday, 2014/5/19. 2:05pm
Sunset at 7:45 pm.
RASP: SW/17knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SSW/15/6pm, SSW/14/7pm. WSW/13mph/5pm, WSW/13/6pm, WSW/11/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3265' soaring ceiling/5pm.
70% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +0° cross.
More wind than ideal, expect shear/turbulence layer about 300' over LZ.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Flight report.
Tuesday: Maybe: W-WNW/19knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Good: WSW/15knot/6pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/5/18. 7:51am
Sunset at 7:44 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) SW/13knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SSW/16/6pm, S/15/7pm. W/16mph/5pm, W/15/6pm, W/13/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3450' soaring ceiling/5pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -45° to +67° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
RASP predicts favorable convergence arriving at 5pm (W wind before).
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Many PG and 1 HG enjoyed the late afternoon air.
Monday: Good: SW/16knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Maybe: W-WNW/15knot/6pm. Partly cloudy, 20% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/5/17. 11:08am
Sunset at 7:44 pm.
RASP: SW/13knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/14/6pm, SSW/11/7pm. W/12mph/5pm, W/10/6pm, W/9/7pm, Sunny / Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW-W/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5216' soaring ceiling/5pm.
70% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +45° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Flight report.
Sunday: Good: WSW/13knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. Favorable convergence around 6:30pm (late).
Monday: Good: SW/15knot/6pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/5/16. 10:56am
Sunset at 7:43 pm.
RASP: WSW/13knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SSW/15/6pm, SSW/7/7pm. WSW/12mph/5pm, WSW/10/6pm, SW/8/7pm, Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W-WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 6569' soaring ceiling/5pm.
70% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Flight report.
Saturday: Good: SW/14knot/6pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Good: SSW/17knot/6pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/5/15. 3:23pm
Sunset at 7:42 pm.
RASP: NNE/7knot(10mAlt)/5pm, NE/10/6pm, ENE/11/7pm. WSW/9mph/5pm, N/7/6pm, NW/9/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: ENE/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 10731' soaring ceiling/5pm.
25% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
3:20 pm observation: NE 11-21 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Warning: Light
to Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Weather station near 650' recorded a possible 4:30-5:20pm launchable window,
but wind above mountain top was 9-17 mph from the back (NE) during that time.
Friday: Good: SW/13knot/6pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Good: SW/14knot/6pm. Mostly sunny, 10% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/5/14. 12:18pm
Sunset at 7:42 pm.
RASP: ENE/33knot(10mAlt)/5pm, ENE/30/6pm, ENE/30/7pm. ENE/20mph/5pm, NE/14/6pm, N/10/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/20knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 6521' soaring ceiling/5pm.
5% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
Warning: Strong
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Weather station near 650' recorded mostly NE-ENE wind late afternoon.
Thursday: Bad: NE/10knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Good: SSW/13knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/5/13. 11:12am
Sunset at 7:41 pm.
RASP: ENE/39knot(10mAlt)/5pm, ENE/35/6pm, ENE/37/7pm. NE/14mph/5pm, NE/12/6pm, NE/11/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/25knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 9889' soaring ceiling/5pm.
5% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
Warning: Strong
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Weather station near 650' recorded mostly ENE-E wind late afternoon.
Wednesday: Bad: ENE/29knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Bad: ENE/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/5/12. 9:55am
Sunset at 7:40 pm.
RASP: ENE/13knot(10mAlt)/5pm, ENE/13/6pm, ENE/16/7pm. NW/6mph/5pm, NW/6/6pm, WNW/6/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NE/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 10095' soaring ceiling/5pm.
15% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Weather station near 650' recorded mostly W-WNW wind late afternoon.
Tuesday: Bad: ENE/31knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Bad: ENE/31knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/5/11. 8:01am
Sunset at 7:39 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) NE/8knot(10mAlt)/5pm, NE/9/6pm, NE/7/7pm. NNW/15mph/5pm, NNW/13/6pm, NNW/12/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NNE/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 7017' soaring ceiling/5pm.
35% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -45° to +90° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
Warning: Light
to Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Weather station near 650' recorded strong (27mph gust) W wind between 4:30-6:30pm, then SE direction.
Monday: Bad: NE/13knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Bad: ENE/33knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/5/10. 7:45am
Sunset at 7:39 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) WSW-W/13knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/15/6pm, S/15/7pm. W/17mph/5pm, W/16/6pm, W/14/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4166' soaring ceiling/5pm.
55% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -45° to +90° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Bill Smith reported extremely rough air (1900 fpm punches).
Also rough air prior to landings.
Sunday: Bad: ENE/21knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Bad: ENE/20knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/5/9. 1:14pm
Sunset at 7:38 pm.
RASP: W/11knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SSW/15/6pm, S/13/7pm. WSW/11mph/5pm, WNW/13/6pm, SW/20/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4793' soaring ceiling/5pm.
55% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -45° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Windy until about 6pm, but many enjoyed long flights.
Saturday: Good: WSW/14knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. RASP: Late convergence (5:45pm).
Sunday: Bad: SE/7knot/6pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/5/8. 3:41pm
Sunset at 7:37 pm.
RASP: W/9knot(10mAlt)/5pm, W/11/6pm, SSW/11/7pm. WNW/8mph/5pm, NNW/7/6pm, NNW/4/7pm, Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: (1 day old) 6588' soaring ceiling/5pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +112° cross.
RASP predicts favorable convergence at 6:15pm (late).
Hindsight: Good & Guess.
Weather station near 650' recorded favorable wind starting at 4:44pm.
Friday: Maybe: SW-WSW/10knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
RASP predicts favorable convergence line barely reaching us, hopefully it does.
Saturday: Good: SW/16knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/5/7. 3:11pm
Sunset at 7:36 pm.
RASP: WSW/12knot(10mAlt)/5pm, WSW/12/6pm, SW/9/7pm. WSW/13mph/5pm, SSW/10/6pm, SW/10/7pm, Partly cloudy / Cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5308' soaring ceiling/5pm.
55% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +45° cross.
Cloudiness reducing thermals.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Flight report.
Thursday: Maybe: WNW/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. Good after 6:15pm convergence?
Friday: Good: WSW/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/5/6. 10:37am
Sunset at 7:36 pm.
RASP: WSW/18knot(10mAlt)/5pm, WSW/19/6pm, SW/19/7pm. W/18mph/5pm, W/17/6pm, W/16/7pm, Partly cloudy / Few showers, 10-30% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/20knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4701' soaring ceiling/5pm.
35% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +45° cross.
Windy. Chance of rain.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Wind maybe low enough by 5:10pm, but SSE-S wind after 6:24pm and rain 2 miles W of LZ at 6:30pm.
Wednesday: Good: SW/13knot/6pm. Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
Thursday: Maybe: WNW/11knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. Good after 6:30pm convergence?
Monday, 2014/5/5. 1:25pm
Sunset at 7:35 pm.
RASP: SSW/16knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SSW/15/6pm, SSW/14/7pm. WSW/12mph/5pm, WSW/12/6pm, SW/13/7pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SSW/15knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2894' soaring ceiling/5pm.
65% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +22° cross.
Some cloudiness reducing thermals.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Many had long soaring flights. Student Mark had his 1st soaring flight near 30 minutes.
Tuesday: Maybe: WSW/19knot/6pm. Partly cloudy at 6pm, 30% chance of rain at 7pm. Windy.
Wednesday: Good: SW/17knot/6pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/5/4. 11:48am
Sunset at 7:34 pm.
RASP: SW/15knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SSW/15/6pm, SSW/11/7pm. WSW/11mph/5pm, W/11/6pm, W/9/7pm, Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W-WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3465' soaring ceiling/5pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Generally good, but with a period of S-SSE wind between 5:45-6:10pm.
Monday: Good: SSW/15knot/6pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Good: WSW/13knot/6pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/5/3. 7:48am
Sunset at 7:33 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) SW/13knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SSW/13/6pm, SSW/8/7pm. WSW/12mph/5pm, W/10/6pm, W/8/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/15knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4726' soaring ceiling/5pm.
55% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +67° cross.
RASP to be updated.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Rough air until enough altitude gained, then good. Dave reached 7700' at the "S".
Sunday: Good: SW/15knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Good: SSW/15knot/6pm. Mostly sunny, 10% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/5/2. 8:06am
Sunset at 7:32 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) WSW/8knot(10mAlt)/5pm, SW/15/6pm, SSE/7/7pm. W/12mph/5pm, W/10/6pm, WSW/7/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 8517' soaring ceiling/5pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -67° to +67° cross.
RASP to be updated.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Dave says only he took sledder from 250' with Firefly. Mostly WNW wind then from SSE.
Saturday: Good: WSW/12knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Good: SW/14knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/5/1. 11:34am
Sunset at 7:32 pm.
RASP: ENE/25knot(10mAlt)/5pm, ENE/21/6pm, ENE/23/7pm. N/22mph/5pm, N/22/6pm, NNW/22/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/20knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 8601' soaring ceiling/5pm.
5% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +135° cross.
Warning: Strong
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Friday: Maybe: SW/10knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. RASP predicts WNW 5mph at 7pm.
Saturday: Good: SW/15knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/4/30. 11:27am
Sunset at 7:31 pm.
RASP: ENE/49knot(10mAlt)/5pm, E/36/6pm, E/32/7pm. NE/27mph/5pm, NE/27/6pm, NE/26/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/25knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4705' soaring ceiling/5pm.
1% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
Warning: Strong
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Thursday: Bad: ENE/33knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Bad: W/5knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. RASP predicts NW 9mph at 7pm.
Tuesday, 2014/4/29. 11:56am
Sunset at 7:30 pm.
RASP: ENE/42knot(10mAlt)/5pm, ENE/38/6pm, ENE/39/7pm. ENE/15mph/5pm, NE/22/6pm, NE/22/7pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/30knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 6745' soaring ceiling/5pm.
1% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
Warning: Strong
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Mostly ENE 17-30 mph late afternoon.
Wednesday: Bad: ENE/43knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Bad: ENE/25knot/6pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/4/28. 11:35am
Sunset at 7:29 pm.
RASP: NE/13knot(10mAlt)/4pm, ENE/11/5pm, ESE/11/6pm. NW/9mph/4pm, NNW/11/5pm, NW/7/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 6063' soaring ceiling/4pm.
30% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
RASP predicts 19 mph ENE wind between us and banning at 5pm, and a wind eddy close to our South.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Gusty wind from NW in LZ after 4:30pm, started blowing down around 6:10pm.
Tuesday: Bad: ENE/37knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Bad: ENE/45knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/4/27. 12:05pm
Sunset at 7:29 pm.
RASP: WNW/11knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WNW/15/5pm, WNW/13/6pm. WNW/13mph/4pm, WNW/12/5pm, W/10/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 6051' soaring ceiling/4pm.
35% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +67° cross.
Full sun may help improve local wind direction thanks to anabatic component.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
1 short PG flight from 800' in strong (near trim speed) NW wind.
Monday: Bad: NNE/12knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Bad: ENE/33knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/4/26. 1:14pm
Sunset at 7:28 pm.
RASP: WSW/19knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WSW/21/5pm, SW/21/6pm. WSW/15mph/4pm, WSW/17/5pm, WSW/16/6pm, Cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/15knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5437' soaring ceiling/4pm.
35% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
Probably too windy for PG. Beware of wind gradient at/under 250' over LZ.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
West wind shown by clouds did not materialize at ground level.
But not good for flying due to increasing SE wind at ground level.
Sunday: Maybe/Bad: W-WNW/11knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Bad: NW/7knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/4/25. 12:07pm
Sunset at 7:27 pm.
RASP: SW/19knot(10mAlt)/4pm, SW/19/5pm, SW/18/6pm. WSW/16mph/4pm, WSW/17/5pm, WSW/17/6pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SSW/15knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4443' soaring ceiling/4pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +22° cross.
Good wind direction but probably too windy for PG, maybe ideal for SF soaring.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Jean-Noel on a 17 m2 wing reported extreme turbulence over LZ and 18 mph wind.
Jordan soared his 16 m2 Firefly 2, but wisely nobody flew a PG.
Saturday: Bad: W/24knot/5pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain. Windy. Showers ending at 9 am.
Sunday: Maybe: W/15knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/4/24. 7:53am
Sunset at 7:26 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) SW/9knot(10mAlt)/4pm, SW/11/5pm, SSW/16/6pm. WSW/11mph/4pm, W/13/5pm, W/11/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW-W/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 7144' soaring ceiling/4pm.
65% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +45° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Many pilots enjoyed a late afternoon flight.
Friday: Bad: W/19knot/5pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain. Windy.
Saturday: Maybe: WSW/19knot/5pm. AM showers, 50% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/4/23. 11:04am
Sunset at 7:25 pm.
RASP: W/7knot(10mAlt)/4pm, W/9/5pm, WSW/11/6pm. WNW/10mph/4pm, WNW/9/5pm, W/7/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W-WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 6585' soaring ceiling/4pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
RASP predicts convergence arriving at 6:05pm. South wind by 7pm.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Cloudier than predicted.
Wind stayed cross (WNW) & strong until late.
Thursday: Good: SW/12knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Maybe: SW/19knot/5pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain. Windy.
Tuesday, 2014/4/22. 10:40am
Sunset at 7:25 pm.
RASP: W/17knot(10mAlt)/4pm, W/17/5pm, W/15/6pm. WNW/18mph/4pm, W/13/5pm, W/11/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2623' soaring ceiling/4pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +67° cross.
Windier than normal.
RASP predicts a favorable convergence around 6:45pm and
SW 11 mph at 7pm, so maybe a very late launch & flight will work.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Jean-Noel: Too windy, only one sledder late.
Wednesday: Maybe: W/6knot/5pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Good: SW/11knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/4/21. 12:35pm
Sunset at 7:24 pm.
RASP: SW/13knot(10mAlt)/4pm, SSW/13/5pm, SSW/11/6pm. WSW/9mph/4pm, WSW/11/5pm, SSW/7/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4851' soaring ceiling/4pm.
70% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +45° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Jean-Noel launched from the 800' with a mini-PG around 6pm and flew close to an hour.
Ziggy and Bob also got close to an hour, with Bob getting nice over-the-valley lift.
Tuesday: Maybe/Bad: W-WNW/17knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Good: WSW/6knot/5pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/4/20. 1:06pm
Sunset at 7:23 pm.
RASP: NNE/7knot(10mAlt)/4pm, NW/6/5pm, SW/11/6pm. WNW/7mph/4pm, WNW/9/5pm, WNW/9/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 6800' soaring ceiling/4pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
RASP predicts a favorable convergence at 5:15pm, with significant cross wind before.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
As predicted, wind became favorable around 5:15pm, many got 1 hour flights.
Monday: Maybe: SW/15knot/5pm. Sunny, 10% chance of rain. Windy before 6pm.
Tuesday: Maybe: WSW/17knot/5pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain. Windy before 6pm.
Saturday, 2014/4/19. 8:16am
Sunset at 7:22 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) SE/4knot(10mAlt)/4pm, N/3/5pm, NE/5/6pm. W/9mph/4pm, W/9/5pm, W/8/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 7470' soaring ceiling/4pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -90° to +180° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
Light & variable wind according to RASP.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Good after 5:30pm, with some 1 hour flights.
Sunday: Good: WSW-W/8knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Maybe: SW/15knot/5pm. Mostly sunny, 10% chance of rain. Windier than normal.
Friday, 2014/4/18. 8:17am
Sunset at 7:22 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) SSW/11knot(10mAlt)/4pm, SSW/11/5pm, SSW/11/6pm. WSW/8mph/4pm, WSW/9/5pm, W/8/6pm, Cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3741' soaring ceiling/4pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +22° cross.
RASP data to be updated. Cloudiness reducing thermals.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Good after 5:30pm, with some 1 hour flights.
Saturday: Maybe: W/7knot/5pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain. Maybe good after 6pm.
Sunday: Maybe: WSW/5knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/4/17. 3:05pm
Sunset at 7:21 pm.
RASP: SW/11knot(10mAlt)/4pm, SSW/10/5pm, SSW/9/6pm. WSW/6mph/4pm, WSW/9/5pm, WSW/9/6pm, Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SSW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4509' soaring ceiling/4pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +22° cross.
Cloudiness, reducing thermal block shelter, but making air smooth if wind is good.
RASP predicts 17 mph E wind at 5pm between us and Beaumont.
3:00 pm observation: NE 8-15 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
3:00 pm observation: W 10 mph in San Jacinto (
3:00 pm observation: SSW 5 mph 2 miles W of LZ.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
So-so and rough air:
Flight report.
Friday: Good: SSW/9knot/5pm. Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Maybe: WNW/11knot/5pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain. Maybe good after 6pm.
Wednesday, 2014/4/16. 11:12am
Sunset at 7:20 pm.
RASP: WSW/7knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WNW/9/5pm, WSW/11/6pm. NNW/8mph/4pm, WSW/11/5pm, WSW/9/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 6670' soaring ceiling/4pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +112° cross.
RASP predicts convergence nearby most of late afternoon (unestablished wind direction).
Hindsight: Good & Guess.
Recorded wind near 650' seemed good during at least the 1st of the 3 last daylight hours.
Thursday: Good: SSW/9knot/5pm. Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Good: SSW/11knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/4/15. 8:02am
Sunset at 7:19 pm.
RASP: (To be updated) WNW/11knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WNW/11/5pm, WSW-W/11/6pm. W/12mph/4pm, W/13/5pm, W/11/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/15knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 7855' soaring ceiling/4pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
RASP predicts favorable convergence at 6:00pm, but that is late.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
After 4pm, recorded wind near 650' was W-WNW at 10+ mph.
Wednesday: Maybe: WNW/9knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. Good after 5:30pm?
Thursday: Good: SSW/13knot/5pm. Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/4/14. 11:03am
Sunset at 7:19 pm.
RASP: ENE/29knot(10mAlt)/4pm, ENE/25/5pm, ENE/21/6pm. NNE/14mph/4pm, WNW/7/5pm, WNW/6/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: ENE/15knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4945' soaring ceiling/4pm.
10% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +158° cross.
Warning: Strong
Santa Ana winds.
25+ mph NE wind started at 9:15am near 650' launch.
11:48 am observation: NE 24-40 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Recorded wind near 650' launch after 4:15 pm was mostly W to NE.
Tuesday: Maybe: W-WNW/12knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Good: WSW/7knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/4/13. 8:05am
Sunset at 7:18 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) WSW/6knot(10mAlt)/4pm, W/7/5pm, WNW/9/6pm. WNW/9mph/4pm, WNW/10/5pm, WNW/9/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4713' soaring ceiling/4pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
According to RASP (only favorable forecast) launching early (4pm) is better than later.
Hindsight: Good & Guess.
Between 5:30-6:30pm ther was a window of opportunity.
One PG student on his 1st day maintained altitude after launching from 250'.
Monday: Bad: ENE/26knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Maybe: W-WNW/13knot/5pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/4/12. 7:59am
Sunset at 7:17 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) SW/9knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WSW/9/5pm, WSW-W/11/6pm. W/11mph/4pm, W/12/5pm, W/11/6pm, Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3878' soaring ceiling/4pm.
55% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
RASP data to be updated.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Jean-Noel says it was just an OK day, windy at times, limited flight domain.
Mike's flight report.
Sunday: Bad: WNW/7knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Bad: ENE/19knot/5pm. Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/4/11. 12:34pm
Sunset at 7:16 pm.
RASP: SW/9knot(10mAlt)/4pm, SW/11/5pm, SSW/11/6pm. WSW/10mph/4pm, WSW/12/5pm, WSW/8/6pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4376' soaring ceiling/4pm.
80% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +22° cross.
RASP predicts a favorable wind direction all afternoon.
I am already sorry for you if you cannot be at Soboba today.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Flight report.
Saturday: Good: WSW/11knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Bad: WNW/7knot/5pm. Sunny, 10% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/4/10. 12:07pm
Sunset at 7:16 pm.
RASP: W/5knot(10mAlt)/4pm, W/5/5pm, W-WNW/5/6pm. WNW/9mph/4pm, WNW/9/5pm, W/9/6pm, Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4772' soaring ceiling/4pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +67° cross.
RASP predicts a favorable convergence after 6pm.
Light wind and predicted cloudiness not helping.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Flight report.
Friday: Good: SW/11knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. Good wind direction all afternoon.
Saturday: Maybe: W/11knot/5pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/4/9. 12:16pm
Sunset at 7:15 pm.
RASP: WNW/8knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WNW/9/5pm, WNW/9/6pm. WNW/9mph/4pm, WNW/10/5pm, W/7/6pm, Mostly cloudy / Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW-NW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4861' soaring ceiling/4pm.
35% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +90° cross.
RASP predicts favorable convergence not reaching us (staying to our South).
Cloudiness not helping thermals improve anabatic flow.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
After 4pm, recorded wind near 650' launch was W-WNW (bad).
Thursday: Maybe: WSW/7knot/5pm. Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain. Favorable convergence at 5:00 pm.
Friday: Good: SW/9knot/5pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain. Good wind direction all afternoon.
Tuesday, 2014/4/8. 12:36pm
Sunset at 7:14 pm.
RASP: NNE/5knot(10mAlt)/4pm, ENE/12/5pm, ENE/17/6pm. W/7mph/4pm, WNW/12/5pm, WNW/8/6pm, Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 8164' soaring ceiling/4pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +158° cross.
Warning: Light to
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
After 2pm, recorded wind near 650' launch was mostly W. W-WNW after 5:30pm.
Wednesday: Bad: WNW/5knot/5pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Maybe: W/5knot/5pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain. Favorable convergence at 5:15 pm.
Monday, 2014/4/7. 11:53am
Sunset at 7:13 pm.
RASP: ENE/23knot(10mAlt)/4pm, ENE/23/5pm, ENE/19/6pm. -/0mph/4pm, WNW/7/5pm, WNW/6/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: ENE/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 6898' soaring ceiling/4pm.
35% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +67° cross.
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
11:48 am observation: NE 15-23 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
After 3pm, recorded wind near 650' launch was mostly W-WNN.
Tuesday: Bad: ENE/11knot/5pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Maybe: W-WNW/7knot/5pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/4/6. 9:53am
Sunset at 7:13 pm.
RASP: ENE/11knot(10mAlt)/4pm, ENE/13/5pm, ENE/13/6pm. NNW/6mph/4pm, NW/6/5pm, NW/6/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: -/0knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 10057' soaring ceiling/4pm.
35% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +112° cross.
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
9:46 am observation: ENE 12-21 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Weather station near 650' recorded 10-15 mph W wind after 4pm, not good.
Monday: Bad: ENE/25knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Bad: E/11knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/4/5. 7:45am
Sunset at 7:12 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) WSW/9knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WNW/11/5pm, WSW/11/6pm. WNW/9mph/4pm, WNW/10/5pm, WNW/9/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5782' soaring ceiling/4pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
RASP data to be updated, WNW (bad) at 5pm, predicting favorable convergence at 6pm.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Only Joe was able to collect 45 min after launching from 650', sinking to 250' and
maxing around 800'. He launched in a lull of strong cross wind and qualifies
the day as not safely soarable for the average pilot.
Sunday: Maybe: SSW/7knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. In the lee of wind split by San Gorgonio Mountain.
Monday: Bad: ENE/24knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. North wind locally blocked.
Friday, 2014/4/4. 11:36am
Sunset at 7:11 pm.
RASP: SW/9knot(10mAlt)/4pm, SW/13/5pm, SW/15/6pm. WSW/9mph/4pm, WSW/10/5pm, SW/8/6pm, Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3549' soaring ceiling/4pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +45° cross.
Wind may get stronger around 5pm.
Cloudiness reducing thermals, but likely enough wind to ridge soar.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Flight report.
Saturday: Maybe: W/9knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. North wind locally blocked.
Sunday: Bad: SE/11knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. In an eddy of 15 mph ENE wind betwen us and Banning.
Thursday, 2014/4/3. 9:24am
Sunset at 7:10 pm.
RASP: W/8knot(10mAlt)/4pm, W/8/5pm, WSW/9/6pm. W/9mph/4pm, W/10/5pm, W/8/6pm, Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 7400' soaring ceiling/4pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
RASP predicts favorable convergence arriving at 6pm.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Based on NW wind recorded by
Friday: Good: WSW/11knot/5pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Maybe: WSW/7knot/5pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain. North wind locally blocked.
Wednesday, 2014/4/2. 9:42am
Sunset at 7:09 pm.
RASP: NW/12knot(10mAlt)/4pm, NW/11/5pm, WNW/12/6pm. W/14mph/4pm, W/14/5pm, W/11/6pm, Mostly cloudy, 20% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4228' soaring ceiling/4pm.
35% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +90° cross.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Rain started gradually at 4:00pm with North wind of 10+ mph.
Thursday: Maybe: W/7knot/5pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Maybe: WSW/7knot/5pm. Cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/4/1. 11:58am
Sunset at 7:09 pm.
RASP: WSW/21knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WSW/21/5pm, WSW/21/6pm. WSW/15mph/4pm, WSW/16/5pm, WSW/15/6pm, Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/15knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4770' soaring ceiling/4pm.
35% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +45° cross.
Probably too windy for safe paragliding.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
2 miles W of LZ, wind was WNW during late afternoon.
Wednesday: Bad: NW/16knot/5pm. Partly cloudy, 20% chance of rain. Maybe favorable wind after 6pm.
Thursday: Good: WSW/7knot/5pm. Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/3/31. 7:54am
Sunset at 7:08 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) SW/17knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WSW/17/5pm, WSW/16/6pm. W/14mph/4pm, W/15/5pm, W/13/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW/15knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4309' soaring ceiling/4pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +45° cross.
RASP data to be updated. It may be windy.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Koosje said that wind was probably too strong for PG by 4pm.
Mini-wing pilots (Jordan, Dave, Troy) soared and got cold, but no full-size PG.
Tuesday: Bad: W/19knot/5pm. Mostly sunny, 10% chance of rain at 4:00 pm (50% at 8 am).
Wednesday: Bad: W/21knot/5pm. Showers, 60% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/3/30. 12:39pm
Sunset at 7:07 pm.
RASP: W/15knot(10mAlt)/4pm, W/17/5pm, W/15/6pm. W/13mph/4pm, W/14/5pm, WNW/12/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4918' soaring ceiling/4pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +67° cross.
Moderate wind and 45° cross right.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Unexpected South (45° cross left) wind in late afternoon.
Dave flew 2 hours. Most pilots reported "very bumpy".
Monday: Maybe: SW/15knot/5pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain. Moderately windy.
Tuesday: Bad: WSW/9knot/5pm. Showers, 60% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/3/29. 8:18am
Sunset at 7:06 pm.
RASP: (1 day old) WSW/8knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WSW/9/5pm, SW/15/6pm. W/11mph/4pm, W/12/5pm, W/10/6pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/15knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3654' soaring ceiling/4pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
RASP data is 1 day old (no update today) so relying on it less than normal.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
1 day old RASP data was wrong.
Sunday: Maybe: (1 day old) W-WNW/9knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. AM showers stopping around 9am.
Monday: Unknown: (No RASP data) ?/?/5pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/3/28. 11:03am
Sunset at 7:06 pm.
RASP: WNW/5knot(10mAlt)/4pm, NW/5/5pm, WNW/7/6pm. WNW/10mph/4pm, WNW/9/5pm, W/8/6pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 6152' soaring ceiling/4pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +90° cross.
RASP predicts convergence arriving at 6pm and good after.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Between 4:00-4:40pm wind near the 650' launch went from WNW (bad) to WSW for about 30 minutes,
then after 4:40pm turned to W-WNW (bad).
Saturday: Good: WSW/9knot/5pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Maybe: W-WNW/9knot/5pm. AM showers (stopping around 7am), 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/3/27. 11:52am
Sunset at 7:05 pm.
RASP: SW/5knot(10mAlt)/4pm, SW/11/5pm, SSW/17/6pm. WSW/14mph/4pm, WSW/14/5pm, W/11/6pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: S/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4040' soaring ceiling/4pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -45° to +45° cross.
Wind may increase around 5:30pm.
Hindsight: Good & Guess.
At 4 pm I used the 1000' launch, but able to gain altitude and soar with a Zero 17 (Mini PG).
Flight report.
Friday: Maybe: W-WNW/5knot/5pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Good: SSW/11knot/5pm. Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/3/26. 10:33am
Sunset at 7:04 pm.
RASP: WSW/21knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WSW/20/5pm, WSW/19/6pm. WSW/17mph/4pm, WSW/17/5pm, WSW/15/6pm, Partly cloudy, 10-40% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/15knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3130' soaring ceiling/4pm.
35% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +45° cross.
Windy and chance of rain.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Between 4-7pm wind near 650' launch was SW-WSW at least 10 mph and gusted up to 19 mph at 5:30pm.
At Poppet Flats (behind ridge, indicating wind strength at mountain top)
wind was 15-25 mph SW at 5pm and 18-28 mph SW at 7pm.
Thursday: Good: WSW/10knot/5pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Maybe: W/5knot/5pm. Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/3/25. 8:22am
Sunset at 7:03 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) WSW/7knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WSW/7/5pm, SW/15/6pm. WSW/11mph/4pm, WSW/12/5pm, WSW/11/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3686' soaring ceiling/4pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +45° cross.
RASP forecast to be updated.
Wind strength increase at 6pm?
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Not high altitudes, but enjoyable late soaring for those able to climb out.
Wednesday: Bad: WSW/20knot/5pm. Mostly cloudy, 10-30% chance of rain.
Thursday: Maybe: WSW-W/17knot/5pm. Cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/3/24. 12:23pm
Sunset at 7:03 pm.
RASP: SW/7knot(10mAlt)/4pm, SW/7/5pm, NW/13/6pm. NNW/6mph/4pm, NNW/7/5pm, W/7/6pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4324' soaring ceiling/4pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +30° to +67° cross.
According to RASP an early convergence until 5pm then goes bad (NW and stronger).
So launch early (4pm).
Some cloudiness reducing thermals.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Mostly W wind between 4-6pm, then no wind.
Tuesday: Good: WSW/9knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Bad: WSW/13knot/5pm. Showers, 50% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/3/23. 10:13am
Sunset at 7:02 pm.
RASP: WNW/8knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WNW/9/5pm, W-WNW/9/6pm. W/8mph/4pm, W/9/5pm, W/8/6pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4512' soaring ceiling/4pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +67° cross.
RASP predicts convergence arriving after 6pm (late).
Some cloudiness reducing thermals.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Wind direction only improved after sunset.
Monday: Maybe: W/9knot/5pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Good: WSW/7knot/5pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/3/22. 8:01am
Sunset at 7:01 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) W-WNW/5knot(10mAlt)/4pm, W-WNW/5/5pm, WNW/6/6pm. W/9mph/4pm, W/10/5pm, W/8/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W-WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4409' soaring ceiling/4pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +67° cross.
Full sun's induced convection will hopefuly help local wind direction.
Early morning RASP data to be updated (could be better or worse).
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
After 5:15pm, conditions became soarable from the 650'/800' launches.
Altitudes limited to 300' over mountain.
Sunday: Bad: WNW/7knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Maybe: W/9knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/3/21. 2:37pm
Sunset at 7:00 pm.
RASP: WSW/7knot(10mAlt)/4pm, SW/7/5pm, SW/9/6pm. NW/12mph/4pm, NNW/9/5pm, WNW/6/6pm, Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3600' soaring ceiling/4pm.
55% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +112° cross.
RASP predicts today's most optimistic wind direction.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Flight report.
Saturday: Maybe: W/5knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Bad: WNW/9knot/5pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/3/20. 10:11am
Sunset at 7:00 pm.
RASP: W/6knot(10mAlt)/4pm, SW/9/5pm, SW/11/6pm. WSW/7mph/4pm, W/7/5pm, W/6/6pm, Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5788' soaring ceiling/4pm.
65% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +45° cross.
Cloudiness reducing thermals.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Many pilots enjoyed nice flights, some reported "bumpy".
Student on his 1st flight flew 10 minutes trying to come down.
Friday: Good: WSW/9knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Maybe: W/5knot/5pm. Mostly sunny, 20% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/3/19. 4:01pm
Sunset at 6:59 pm.
RASP: ENE/13knot(10mAlt)/4pm, ENE/15/5pm, ENE/17/6pm. WNW/5mph/4pm, W/6/5pm, W/5/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/5knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 7249' soaring ceiling/4pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +67° cross.
Warning: Light
Santa Ana winds.
4:00pm observation: ENE wind reduced to average of 10mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Full sunshine providing thermal block against over-the-back wind.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Conditions improved late afternoon. Bill & Ziggy launched at 6:10pm and got 45 minute flights.
Thursday: Good: SW/11knot/5pm. Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Good: WSW/7knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/3/18. 10:50am
Sunset at 6:58 pm.
RASP: ENE/23knot(10mAlt)/4pm, ENE/23/5pm, ENE/22/6pm. ENE/1mph/4pm, NNW/18/5pm, NNW/18/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/15knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3887' soaring ceiling/4pm.
10% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +112° cross.
Warning: Moderate to
Santa Ana winds.
10:43 am observation: NE 22-33 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Wind direction near 650' launch became bad after 12:30pm.
Wednesday: Bad: NNE/9knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Good: WSW/7knot/5pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/3/17. 11:06am
Sunset at 6:57 pm.
RASP: W/14knot(10mAlt)/4pm, W/13/5pm, SW/9/6pm. NNW/9mph/4pm, W/12/5pm, W/10/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2722' soaring ceiling/4pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +112° cross.
Conflicting predictions, RASP most optimistic.
Favorable convergence predicted by RASP to arrive at 5:45pm.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Flight report.
Tuesday: Bad: ENE/23knot/5pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Bad: NE/9knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/3/16. 11:56am
Sunset at 6:57 pm.
RASP: NE/11knot(10mAlt)/4pm, NE/8/5pm, NE/5/6pm. NNW/8mph/4pm, NNE/10/5pm, WNW/6/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: ENE/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4993' soaring ceiling/4pm.
25% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
11:45am observation: NE 11-23 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Wind was W-WNW after 3pm.
Monday: Maybe: W-WNW/15knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Maybe: S/6knot/5pm. Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
In the lee of strong North wind, which is split by the San Gorgonio Mountain.
Saturday, 2014/3/15. 10:10am
Sunset at 6:56 pm.
RASP: ENE/21knot(10mAlt)/4pm, ENE/19/5pm, ENE/23/6pm. N/22mph/4pm, N/22/5pm, NNW/20/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/15knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5840' soaring ceiling/4pm.
15% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +135° cross.
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
NW wind at Soboba in late afternoon. Some moderate NE wind at times in LZ.
Sunday: Bad: ENE/21knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Maybe: W/13knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/3/14. 9:28am
Sunset at 6:55 pm.
RASP: W-WNW/11knot(10mAlt)/4pm, W-WNW/11/5pm, WNW/9/6pm. WNW/9mph/4pm, W/10/5pm, W/8/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 7366' soaring ceiling/4pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Slipping NW wind most of the afternoon.
Saturday: Bad: ENE/23knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Bad: ENE/13knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/3/13. 11:13am
Sunset at 6:54 pm.
RASP: W/7knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WSW/8/5pm, SSW/7/6pm. W/9mph/4pm, WNW/10/5pm, W/8/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3888' soaring ceiling/4pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +67° cross.
RASP is the most optimistic predictor.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
I started hiking up at 4:30pm as it looked possible to fly then.
At 5pm on the 800' I waited 10 minutes then saw the dust of a gust front traversing
the valley and an ominous dark cloud, so I hiked back down.
It rained (not forecasted) from 5:30pm to 6:30pm.
Friday: Bad: WNW/12knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Bad: ENE/20knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/3/12. 10:22am
Sunset at 6:53 pm.
RASP: ENE/14knot(10mAlt)/4pm, ENE/21/5pm, ENE/22/6pm. NNE/19mph/4pm, NNE/18/5pm, NNE/14/6pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NE/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3719' soaring ceiling/4pm.
15% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
Warning: Moderate to
Santa Ana winds.
10:15 am observation: ENE 19-35 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
At 3pm near 650' launch, wind was ENE 21-27 mph.
Thursday: Bad: NNW/19knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Bad: WNW/9knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/3/11. 8:09am
Sunset at 6:53 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) WSW/5knot(10mAlt)/4pm, S/5/5pm, ENE/6/6pm. N/9mph/4pm, N/9/5pm, N/8/6pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: ENE/15knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4008' soaring ceiling/4pm.
35% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +135° cross.
In an eddy of of 20 mph ENE wind near Banning late afternoon.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Conditions became bad after 3 pm.
Wednesday: Bad: ENE/19knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Bad: ENE/7knot/5pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/3/10. 8:18am
Sunset at 6:52 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) WNW/11knot(10mAlt)/4pm, WNW/11/5pm, WNW/9/6pm. W/9mph/4pm, W/9/5pm, W/8/6pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4497' soaring ceiling/4pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Weather station near 650' lauch recorded mostly W-WNW (bad) wind in last 3 daylight hours.
Tuesday: Maybe: SW/7knot/5pm. Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
In the lee of strong North wind, which is split by the San Gorgonio Mountain.
Wednesday: Bad: NE/7knot/5pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/3/9. 8:56am
Sunset at 6:51 pm.
RASP: ENE/26knot(10mAlt)/4pm, ENE/23/5pm, ENE/21/6pm. SSE/7mph/4pm, S/6/5pm, SSW/5/6pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/20knot/5pm.
SoaringPredictor: 7723' soaring ceiling/4pm.
35% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to -22° cross.
Warning: Moderate to
Santa Ana winds.
8:49 am observation: ENE 20-38 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Weather station near 650' lauch recorded favorable wind direction & strength between 3:45-6:00pm,
but weather station at Poppet Flats (behind mountain) recorded ENE 10-20 mph during this time.
Monday: Maybe: W/9knot/5pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Maybe: S/5knot/5pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
In the lee of strong North wind, which is split by the San Gorgonio Mountain.
Saturday, 2014/3/8. 8:50am
Sunset at 5:50 pm.
RASP: ENE/35knot(10mAlt)/3pm, ENE/35/4pm, ENE/37/5pm. NNE/10mph/3pm, NNE/10/4pm, NNE/9/5pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/20knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 9179' soaring ceiling/3pm.
10% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +158° cross.
Warning: Strong
Santa Ana winds.
8:40 am observation: ENE 16-33 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Many speed flights in the morning, then conditions became bad at 11:05 am.
Sunday: Bad: ENE/23knot/4pm. Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Maybe: W/7knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/3/7. 11:40am
Sunset at 5:50 pm.
RASP: SSW/7knot(10mAlt)/3pm, SSW/7/4pm, SSW/7/5pm. NNW/15mph/3pm, NNW/11/4pm, WNW/9/5pm, Partly cloudy, 0-10% chance of rain.
NOAA: Variable/0knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5643' soaring ceiling/3pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +112° cross.
In the lee of strong North wind, which is split by the San Gorgonio Mountain.
Be careful of rapidly changing wind conditions.
11:35am observation: WNW 13mph in San Jacinto, but SW 3-5mph near 650' launch.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Pilots who flew late afternoon reported rough air, and had short flights
after using a launch higher than the 800'.
Saturday: Bad: ENE/23knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Maybe-Bad: NE/8knot/4pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/3/6. 8:12am
Sunset at 5:49 pm.
RASP: WNW/11knot(10mAlt)/3pm, WNW/9/4pm, W/9/5pm. W/9mph/3pm, W/9/4pm, W/8/5pm, Mostly cloudy, 0-10% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3560' soaring ceiling/3pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +67° cross.
Poor (WNW) wind direction predicted by RASP and cloudiness are not good.
RASP predicts convergence nearly reaching us by 5pm, which would help improve wind direction.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Koosje who had a 1 hour flight from the "High Tension" (about 1375') launch,
said he does not believe a pilot launching the 800' would have climbed.
Friday: Maybe/Bad: S/6knot/4pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
In an eddy of strong North wind which is split North of us.
Saturday: Bad: ENE/33knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/3/5. 8:11am
Sunset at 5:48 pm.
RASP: W/5knot(10mAlt)/3pm, W-WNW/7/4pm, WNW/7/5pm. W/5mph/3pm, W/6/4pm, W/5/5pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: (1 day old) 6579' soaring ceiling/3pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +67° cross.
Light wind and some cloudiness not helping.
RASP predicts convergence nearly reaching us late afternoon, it would help wind direction if it did.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Wind was stronger and more NW than predicted.
Thursday: Bad: W-WNW/9knot/4pm. Mostly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
Friday: Bad: SE/5knot/4pm. Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/3/4. 8:11am
Sunset at 5:47 pm.
RASP: W/7knot(10mAlt)/3pm, WSW/5/4pm, WSW/4/5pm. WNW/8mph/3pm, W/8/4pm, W/7/5pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4810' soaring ceiling/3pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
Trail to launch has been repaired and rides are available.
RASP predicts a local redirection of wind (but light wind), other predictors not as favorable.
Late afternoon full sun may help.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Some tried but could not gain altitude from the 800'.
Wednesday: Bad: WNW/7knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Bad: WNW/9knot/4pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/3/3. 7:57am
Sunset at 5:46 pm.
RASP: W/7knot(10mAlt)/3pm, W/9/4pm, WNW/11/5pm. WNW/7mph/3pm, WNW/8/4pm, WNW/6/5pm, Cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5383' soaring ceiling/3pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +67° cross.
Trail to launch may not allow quads to operate. Consider helping with repairs.
45+° cross wind and cloudy skies, not favorable.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Between 3:30-4:15pm direction was WSW (good) but wind light (6 mph at best for 30 min).
Tuesday: Bad: WNW/7knot/4pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Maybe: W/5knot/4pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/3/2. 10:45am
Sunset at 5:46 pm.
RASP: SW/7knot(10mAlt)/3pm, W/7/4pm, WNW/5/5pm. WSW/3mph/3pm, NNW/7/4pm, WNW/5/5pm, Mostly cloudy, 0-20% chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW-W/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2810' soaring ceiling/3pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +112° cross.
Light wind and mostly cloudy not helpful to soaring.
There may be water puddles in the LZ and trail to launch may not allow quads to operate.
You can help by joining those working to repair the trail to launch.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Trail to the 650 was damaged by heavy rains. More work needed before rides to 650' can resume.
Rain between 3:30pm and 4:30pm. Almost no wind between 2pm and 6pm.
Monday: Maybe: W/7knot/4pm. Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Maybe: SW-WSW/7knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/3/1. 10:26am
Sunset at 5:45 pm.
RASP: SW/16knot(10mAlt)/3pm, SSE/11/4pm, SE/9/5pm. SSE/10mph/3pm, SW/9/4pm, SSW/8/5pm, Rain, 60-75% chance of rain.
NOAA: SE/15knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2260' soaring ceiling/3pm.
10% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -90° to 0° cross.
A perfect day for scoring points with your significant other.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Rain until 3:30pm then very little wind.
Sunday: Maybe: SSW/7knot/4pm. Few showers, 30% chance of rain.
Monday: Maybe: W/7knot/4pm. Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/2/28. 1:24pm
Sunset at 5:44 pm.
RASP: SW/27knot(10mAlt)/3pm, SW/25/4pm, SSW/21/5pm. SSW/21mph/3pm, SSW/17/4pm, SSW/20/5pm, Scattered thunderstorms, 30-75% chance of rain.
NOAA: SSW/20knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2260' soaring ceiling/3pm.
5% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to 0° cross.
Strong wind and high chance of rain.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Saturday: Bad: SSW/11knot/4pm. Rain, 70% chance of rain.
Sunday: Bad: SSW/7knot/4pm. Showers, 30% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/2/27. 12:25pm
Sunset at 5:43 pm.
RASP: WSW-W/13knot(10mAlt)/3pm, WNW/13/4pm, WNW/11/5pm. WNW/9mph/3pm, WSW/9/4pm, WSW/8/5pm, Sunny / Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3803' soaring ceiling/3pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
Rain not a concern, but wind direction will make or break the late afternoon.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
For a second day, RASP's wind prediction was wrong, this time to a pilot's advantage.
Flight report.
Friday: Bad: SW/25knot/4pm. Rain, 90% chance of rain. "Flash flood watch" from Fri 12am until Sat 1pm PST.
Saturday: Bad: SSW/17knot/4pm. Rain, 80% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/2/26. 8:08am
Sunset at 5:42 pm.
RASP: SW/8knot(10mAlt)/3pm, SW/7/4pm, SW/8/5pm. WSW/8mph/3pm, W/8/4pm, W/7/5pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4506' soaring ceiling/3pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
RASP is the most optimistic predictor today, but most trusted for wind prediction.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Forecasts were wrong: Late afternoon was cloudy and with little wind.
But Kent had a good early afternoon flight after launching from an upper launch.
Thursday: Maybe: WSW/10knot/4pm. AM showers then Mostly cloudy at 4pm, 10% chance of rain (at 4pm).
Friday: Bad: SW/21knot/4pm. Rain & Thunder, 100% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/2/25. 8:07am
Sunset at 5:41 pm.
RASP: SW/8knot(10mAlt)/3pm, SW/7/4pm, SSW/9/5pm. WSW/6mph/3pm, WSW/7/4pm, W/6/5pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4113' soaring ceiling/3pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +45° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Lots of pilots enjoyed the nice conditions and landing near sunset.
Wednesday: Maybe: W/7knot/4pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Maybe: SW/9knot/4pm. AM showers, 60% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/2/24. 1:35pm
Sunset at 5:41 pm.
RASP: W/5knot(10mAlt)/3pm, WNW/5/4pm, W/4/5pm. WSW/6mph/3pm, WSW/7/4pm, WSW/6/5pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4363' soaring ceiling/3pm.
65% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
RASP (most often correct) is the least favorable predictor today.
10 mph East wind at Banning at 4pm, putting Soboba in a wind eddy.
Full sun could have thermal breeze dominate light W/WNW wind predicted by RASP.
1:30pm observation: Looking better than predictors forecasted.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Late afternoon, I can see those bastards flying as I catch up on house chores.
Tuesday: Good: SW/7knot/4pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Good: SW/5knot/4pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/2/23. 8:18am
Sunset at 5:40 pm.
RASP: WSW/5knot(10mAlt)/3pm, WSW/5/4pm, SW/7/5pm. WSW/7mph/3pm, WSW/7/4pm, W/5/5pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4971' soaring ceiling/3pm.
55% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
Light wind but full sun should produce good thermals.
We will be near a push from North winds, hopefully the convergence line stays North of us.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Around 3:45pm, conditions became excellent, with some pilots saying "awesome".
Monday: Good: SW/7knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Good: SSW/11knot/4pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/2/22. 8:08am
Sunset at 5:39 pm.
RASP: W/5knot(10mAlt)/3pm, W/4/4pm, W/3/5pm. WSW/7mph/3pm, WSW/7/4pm, WSW/6/5pm, Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4765' soaring ceiling/3pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
Light wind and cloudiness (weaker thermals), so launch early and use a higher launch.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Forecast was accurate (wind & clouds), not good for soaring late afternoon.
Sunday: Good: WSW/5knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Maybe: W/5knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/2/21. 8:05am
Sunset at 5:38 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) WNW/4knot(10mAlt)/3pm, N/6/4pm, NE/7/5pm. W/7mph/3pm, W/7/4pm, W/6/5pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5870' soaring ceiling/3pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +180° cross.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Against all predictors, there was soarable conditions between 4:10-4:50pm.
Saturday: Maybe: SW/5knot/4pm. Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Good: SW/8knot/4pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/2/20. 8:42am
Sunset at 5:37 pm.
RASP: ENE/29knot(10mAlt)/3pm, ENE/27/4pm, ENE/26/5pm. ENE/10mph/3pm, ENE/8/4pm, ENE/7/5pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/20knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3159' soaring ceiling/3pm.
15% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to -135° cross.
Warning: Strong
Santa Ana winds.
8:15 am observation: Switchy direction near 650' launch (sign of rotor), 25 mph NE gusts earlier (7am).
8:15 am observation: NE 27-37 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
After 2:30pm, wind direction near 650' started turning to NE and strength grew to 12-15 mph by 3:20pm.
Friday: Maybe: NW/3knot/4pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Good: SW/9knot/4pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/2/19. 8:01am
Sunset at 5:36 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) WNW/11knot(10mAlt)/3pm, WNW/11/4pm, W/3/5pm. WNW/9mph/3pm, WNW/8/4pm, NW/7/5pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3832' soaring ceiling/3pm.
35% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +90° cross.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Thursday: Bad: ENE/23knot/4pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Maybe: W/8knot/4pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/2/18. 8:15am
Sunset at 5:35 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) W/5knot(10mAlt)/3pm, WSW-W/3/4pm, SW/3/5pm. W/7mph/3pm, W/7/4pm, W/6/5pm, Cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3622' soaring ceiling/3pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
Challenging: Less-than-ideal wind direction, light wind and cloudiness (reduced thermalling).
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
As predicted, cloudy and light wind.
Wednesday: Bad: WNW/9knot/4pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Bad: ENE/19knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/2/17. 8:05am
Sunset at 5:34 pm.
RASP: (to be updated) SW/9knot(10mAlt)/3pm, SSW/11/4pm, SSW/11/5pm. WSW/9mph/3pm, WSW/9/4pm, W/8/5pm, Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3372' soaring ceiling/3pm.
55% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +67° cross.
TFR until 3pm,
so launch at 3:01pm.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Many happy pilots enjoyed the nice conditions.
Tuesday: Maybe: WSW-W/5knot/4pm. Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Bad: WNW/7knot/4pm. Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/2/16. 11:33am
Sunset at 5:33 pm.
RASP: SW/6knot(10mAlt)/3pm, SW/7/4pm, W/2/5pm. WNW/6mph/3pm, WNW/8/4pm, WNW/4/5pm, Mostly cloudy / Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2696' soaring ceiling/3pm.
0% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
TFR all day, no flights allowed.
Hindsight: No flying allowed due to TFR.
Monday: Good: SSW/9knot/4pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain. TFR until 3pm, so launch at 3:01pm.
Tuesday: Maybe: WSW/7knot/4pm. Mostly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/2/15. 12:18pm
Sunset at 5:32 pm.
RASP: W/5knot(10mAlt)/3pm, W/6/4pm, WNW/7/5pm. WNW/6mph/3pm, NNW/8/4pm, WNW/6/5pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2704' soaring ceiling/3pm.
0% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +112° cross.
TFR all day, no flights allowed.
Hindsight: No flying allowed due to TFR.
Sunday: Bad: WSW/6knot/4pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain. TFR all day, no flights allowed.
Monday: Good: SSW/9knot/4pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain. TFR until 3pm, so launch at 3:01pm.
Friday, 2014/2/14. 11:01am
Sunset at 5:32 pm.
RASP: W/3knot(10mAlt)/3pm, SW/3/4pm, SSE/3/5pm. WNW/5mph/3pm, WNW/7/4pm, W/5/5pm, Mostly sunny / Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3049' soaring ceiling/3pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -67° to +90° cross.
In an eddy of mild (9 mph) E wind in Banning at 3pm.
Some cloudiness reducing thermals.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Recorded wind direction was W to NW (not good) after 2:30pm.
Saturday: Bad: W/4knot/4pm. Cloudy, 0% chance of rain. In an E wind eddy. TFR all day, no flights allowed.
Sunday: Bad: NW/3knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. In an E wind eddy (again). TFR all day, no flights allowed.
Thursday, 2014/2/13. 11:41am
Sunset at 5:31 pm.
RASP: W-WNW/5knot(10mAlt)/3pm, W-WNW/5/4pm, NW/7/5pm. WNW/7mph/3pm, WNW/7/4pm, NNE/5/5pm, Mostly sunny / Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3213' soaring ceiling/3pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +158° cross.
Launch early, wind direction gets worse later.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Recorded wind direction was not good late afternoon.
Friday: Maybe: W/5knot/4pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain. In an E wind eddy.
Saturday: Bad: NW/3knot/4pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain. In an E wind eddy. TFR all day, no flights allowed.
Wednesday, 2014/2/12. 9:22am
Sunset at 5:30 pm.
RASP: W/3knot(10mAlt)/3pm, WNW/3/4pm, ENE/5/5pm. WNW/6mph/3pm, W/7/4pm, WNW/5/5pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 5166' soaring ceiling/3pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +90° cross.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Wind direction was not good late afternoon. OK for SF student from 800' launch.
Thursday: Bad: WNW/5knot/4pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Bad: NW/3knot/4pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain. Near an ENE wind eddy.
Tuesday, 2014/2/11. 9:32am
Sunset at 5:29 pm.
RASP: W/5knot(10mAlt)/2pm, WSW/5/3pm, WSW/5/4pm. SSW/3mph/2pm, WSW/3/3pm, W/5/4pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 6504' soaring ceiling/2pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +90° cross.
Light wind (conflicting direction predictions) and some cloudiness adding to the challenge.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
After 2:30pm, recorded wind direction averaging West and getting worse (turning towards NW).
Wednesday: Bad: ENE/7knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain. Near an ENE wind eddy.
Thursday: Maybe: W/5knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/2/10. 8:10am
Sunset at 5:28 pm.
RASP: WNW/9knot(10mAlt)/2pm, W/8/3pm, WSW/4/4pm. WNW/10mph/2pm, NW/10/3pm, NW/9/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3257' soaring ceiling/2pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +90° cross.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Jean-Noel had best flight of the day, launching at noon from 800' and getting 35 min,
but said air was rough and with small thermals.
Tuesday: Bad: ENE/9knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Bad: WNW/4knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain. In an ENE wind eddy.
Sunday, 2014/2/9. 8:14am
Sunset at 5:27 pm.
RASP: WSW-W/6knot(10mAlt)/2pm, W/5/3pm, W/7/4pm. WSW/9mph/2pm, W/9/3pm, W/9/4pm, Partly cloudy / Mostly sunny, 10% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3497' soaring ceiling/2pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Monday: Maybe: W/6knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Bad: N/5knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/2/8. 8:09am
Sunset at 5:26 pm.
RASP: W-WNW/7knot(10mAlt)/2pm, WNW/6/3pm, WNW/9/4pm. W/9mph/2pm, W/9/3pm, W/10/4pm, Partly cloudy / Mostly sunny, 0% (2-4pm, 10% at 5pm) chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: (1 day old) 4616' soaring ceiling/2pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +67° cross.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Lots of pilots and flights bu none able to launch from 800' or lower and soar 30+ min in the last 3 daylight hours.
Mike gets the longest flight of 35 minutes after launching from the 1500' around 12:30pm.
Sunday: Maybe: W/7knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
Monday: Maybe: WNW/3knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/2/7. 10:14am
Sunset at 5:25 pm.
RASP: SW/7knot(10mAlt)/2pm, SW/7/3pm, SW/6/4pm. WNW/5mph/2pm, WSW/10/3pm, WSW/11/4pm, Cloudy / Mostly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
Light (favorable direction) wind & cloudy, so use highest launch possible.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Wind was stronger than predicted by RASP, allowing for easy soaring.
Flight report.
Saturday: Maybe: W/6knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Maybe: W/7knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/2/6. 9:27am
Sunset at 5:24 pm.
RASP: SW/11knot(10mAlt)/2pm, SW/11/3pm, SW/16/4pm. ESE/5mph/2pm, WSW/10/3pm, WSW/11/4pm, Showers, 45% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
35% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -112° to +22° cross.
Forecasted wind is good, but significant chance of rain likely to spoil the fun.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Low cloudbase. Rain started after 2pm and continued.
Friday: Maybe: S/11knot/3pm. Mostly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
Saturday: Maybe: W/5knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/2/5. 8:15am
Sunset at 5:23 pm.
RASP: W/8knot(10mAlt)/2pm, WNW/7/3pm, WNW/7/4pm. W/7mph/2pm, W/8/3pm, W/8/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: (1 day old) 5092' soaring ceiling/2pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +67° cross.
Hopefully, the full sun & thermal breeze can improve the wind direction near the mountain face.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Winds were WNW all afternoon. Some possible soaring moments late morning.
Thursday: Bad: W/6knot/3pm. Showers, 40% chance of rain.
Friday: Bad: WNW/5knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 30% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/2/4. 8:01am
Sunset at 5:22 pm.
RASP: WSW/7knot(10mAlt)/2pm, WSW-W/5/3pm, WSW/4/4pm. SSW/7mph/2pm, SW/7/3pm, SW/7/4pm, Mostly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3579' soaring ceiling/2pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +22° cross.
Decend wind direction but light and cloudiness will reduce thermals.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Bill (good pilot) almost but not able to soar/climb in late afternoon from 650' (or was it 800').
At 11am a PG student climbed from the 650' in a wide thermal,
to the mountain top and learned how to do big ears.
Wednesday: Bad: WNW/7knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Bad: WNW/11knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 20% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/2/3. 11:58am
Sunset at 5:21 pm.
RASP: WSW/5knot(10mAlt)/2pm, WSW/5/3pm, SW/7/4pm. WSW/7mph/2pm, WNW/9/3pm, NNW/9/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2527' soaring ceiling/2pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +112° cross.
Light base wind, so launch early & high, to rely on thermals.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Cloudier than predicted and RASP wind prediction was off.
I was at the 800' between 1:30-3:30pm and chose to hike down since wind was most
often 60° to 90° cross right and 12+ mph.
After 4:15pm there may have been a short soarable window.
Tuesday: Maybe: SW/7knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Maybe: W/6knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/2/2. 8:10am
Sunset at 5:20 pm.
RASP: SW/11knot(10mAlt)/2pm, SW/11/3pm, SW/11/4pm. SSW/9mph/2pm, SW/10/3pm, SW/11/4pm, Partly cloudy / Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
75% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +0° cross.
All predictors agree on favorable wind. Cloudiness reducing thermals.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Mike flew 3 h 10 min (launched early and from 1500),
but others able to launch late and from 800' or lower and getting long flights.
Speed wings able to soar.
Monday: Maybe: W/5knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Maybe: WSW/5knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 20% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/2/1. 8:02am
Sunset at 5:19 pm.
RASP: SSW/5knot(10mAlt)/2pm, S/5/3pm, S/5/4pm. N/12mph/2pm, N/12/3pm, N/12/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: N/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3139' soaring ceiling/2pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -45° to +112° cross.
RASP predicts we will be between 2 strong North wind flows to our West and East,
with us having a light variable wind.
Other predictors agree on North wind at 10+ mph.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Mike flew 40 min, but launching from 1500' and around noon, said air was rough.
Sunday: Good: SW/9knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Bad: WSW/9knot/3pm. Showers, 40% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/1/31. 8:12am
Sunset at 5:18 pm.
RASP: W/11knot(10mAlt)/2pm, W/13/3pm, W/15/4pm. W/12mph/2pm, W/12/3pm, W/12/4pm, Cloudy, 20% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +45° cross.
Small chance of rain. Be familiar with descent techniques.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
One experienced pilot unable to climb from 800' launch.
Ziggy launched from the 1500' and able to scratch for 40 min.
Saturday: Maybe: WSW/4knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Good: SW/9knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/1/30. 10:23am
Sunset at 5:17 pm.
RASP: SW/11knot(10mAlt)/2pm, SW/12/3pm, SSW/13/4pm. SW/9mph/2pm, WNW/5/3pm, WSW/11/4pm, Cloudy, 20% (4pm) chance of rain.
NOAA: WSW/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: (1 day old) 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
60% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +112° cross.
Relying completly on wind as cloudiness will eliminate most thermals, but making air smooth.
Small chance of rain.
Hindsight: Good & Sure.
Flight report & picture.
Friday: Maybe: W/15knot/3pm. Mostly cloudy, 20% chance of rain.
Saturday: Maybe: SW/5knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/1/29. 7:48am
Sunset at 5:16 pm.
RASP: W/5knot(10mAlt)/2pm, W/5/3pm, W/5/4pm. WSW/6mph/2pm, WSW/7/3pm, WSW/7/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: W/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3974' soaring ceiling/2pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +45° cross.
Convergence line almost reaching (arrives from Sounth) us by end of afternoon.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Cloudier than predicted (full sun). Many extended PG sledders and SF flights all day.
Thursday: Maybe: SSW/13knot/3pm. Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Maybe: SSW/11knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 20% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/1/28. 8:25am
Sunset at 5:15 pm.
RASP: NW/3knot(10mAlt)/2pm, E/5/3pm, SW/5/4pm. W/5mph/2pm, W/6/3pm, W/6/4pm, Mostly sunny / Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NNW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4081' soaring ceiling/2pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -135° to +112° cross.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Wednesday: Maybe: W/5knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Good: SW/11knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/1/27. 8:12am
Sunset at 5:14 pm.
RASP: W/5knot(10mAlt)/2pm, W/4/3pm, WSW/3/4pm. W/6mph/2pm, WNW/7/3pm, W/7/4pm, Mostly sunny / Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 4929' soaring ceiling/2pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
Cloudiness will reduce thermal breeze. Consider using a higher launch.
Possible decent altitude gain if you are able to climb.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
But some had moderate duration flights from much higher launches.
Tuesday: Maybe: Variable/3knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Good: WSW/5knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/1/26. 8:22am
Sunset at 5:13 pm.
RASP: WNW/7knot(10mAlt)/2pm, WNW/7/3pm, WNW/7/4pm. W/7mph/2pm, W/7/3pm, W/8/4pm, Mostly cloudy / Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3331' soaring ceiling/2pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +90° cross.
Cloudiness will reduce thermal breeze which would help prevent more more cross-wind.
1:00 pm General Meeting.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
2 pilots soared, but had to hike to highest launches (above 1000')
and unable to leave their reduced soaring bowl given the W/WNW (cross) wind.
Monday: Maybe: W/4knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Bad: ENE/16knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/1/25. 8:06am
Sunset at 5:12 pm.
RASP: W/3knot(10mAlt)/2pm, WNW/4/3pm, NNW/5/4pm. WSW/6mph/2pm, W/7/3pm, W/7/4pm, Partly cloudy / Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/10knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +112° cross.
Advice: Launch early (1 pm) as wind is light and direction worsens after, use a higher launch.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
2 had 45+ minute flights after launching from High Tension & 1500' launches.
Sunday: Maybe: W/5knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Maybe: SW/4knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/1/24. 10:31am
Sunset at 5:11 pm.
RASP: ENE/23knot(10mAlt)/2pm, ENE/23/3pm, ENE/24/4pm. ENE/8mph/2pm, NE/7/3pm, ENE/11/4pm, Mostly cloudy, 20% (5pm) chance of rain.
NOAA: E/20knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
5% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -135° to +180° cross.
Warning: Strong
Santa Ana winds.
10:26 am observation: ENE 22-29 mph near 650' launch.
10:27 am observation: ENE 21-35 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Not a launchable or flyable day.
Saturday: Bad: N/9knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Bad: WNW/5knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/1/23. 11:55am
Sunset at 5:10 pm.
RASP: ENE/29knot(10mAlt)/2pm, ENE/29/3pm, ENE/31/4pm. NE/10mph/2pm, NNE/8/3pm, ENE/14/4pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: (1 day old) E/20knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3070' soaring ceiling/2pm.
5% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -135° to +180° cross.
Warning: Strong
Santa Ana winds.
11:55 am observation: ENE 21-27 mph near 650' launch.
11:49 am observation: ENE 19-31 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Not a launchable or flyable day.
Friday: Bad: ENE/27knot/3pm. Cloudy, 20% chance of rain.
Saturday: Bad: ENE/10knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/1/22. 8:05am
Sunset at 5:09 pm.
RASP: SW/5knot(10mAlt)/2pm, SW/7/3pm, SSW/5/4pm. W/6mph/2pm, W/6/3pm, W/6/4pm, Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: NW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +90° cross.
Conflicting wind direction predictions, hopefully RASP is right.
Light wind, use a higher launch. Some cloudiness reducing thermal breeze.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Jordan launched from 1500' and flew 1 hour 40 min, up to 5400' MSL.
Others launched from 650 and 800, gained 200' and landed after a good battle to get higher.
New PG student Bill got 8 flights.
Thursday: Bad: ENE/17knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Bad: ENE/23knot/3pm. Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/1/21. 11:26am
Sunset at 5:08 pm.
RASP: ENE/21knot(10mAlt)/2pm, ENE/19/3pm, ENE/19/4pm. ENE/14mph/2pm, ENE/13/3pm, ENE/10/4pm, Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/15knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
20% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to -135° cross.
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
Cloudiness likely to make afternoon blowdown happen sooner (less thermal blocking).
11:20 am observation: ENE 17-30 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
Mostly cloudy, light wind (2-5 mph) near 650' launch, sometimes from SSE.
Wednesday: Maybe: SSW/4knot/3pm. Mostly cloudy up to 2pm, Sunny after, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Bad: ENE/15knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/1/20. 8:13am
Sunset at 5:07 pm.
RASP: ENE/19knot(10mAlt)/2pm, ENE/18/3pm, ENE/18/4pm. WNW/5mph/2pm, WNW/5/3pm, NW/5/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/15knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3008' soaring ceiling/2pm.
25% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +90° cross.
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
8:10 am observation: NE 7-9 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Not launchable after 3 pm.
Tuesday: Bad: ENE/19knot/3pm. Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Bad: E/5knot/3pm. Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/1/19. 8:06am
Sunset at 5:06 pm.
RASP: N/4knot(10mAlt)/2pm, ENE/11/3pm, ENE/15/4pm. SW/5mph/2pm, SW/5/3pm, WSW/5/4pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: ENE/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +135° cross.
Cloudiness reducing thermals.
Warning: Light (2pm)
to Moderate (3-4pm)
Santa Ana winds.
7:58 am observation: NE 11-18 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
After 3pm, got some bad wind directions at times for launching.
Monday: Bad: ENE/10knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Bad: ENE/19knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/1/18. 8:02am
Sunset at 5:05 pm.
RASP: ENE/18knot(10mAlt)/2pm, ENE/18/3pm, ENE/20/4pm. ENE/4mph/2pm, ENE/4/3pm, ENE/4/4pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/15knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
25% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to -135° cross.
Cloudiness reducing thermals.
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
7:58 am observation: ENE 14-21 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Not launchable after 2:30pm, 19-22 mph ENE at 3:10 pm near 650' launch.
Sunday: Bad: ENE/9knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Bad: ENE/7knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/1/17. 10:46am
Sunset at 5:04 pm.
RASP: E/13knot(10mAlt)/2pm, ENE/13/3pm, ENE/15/4pm. ENE/8mph/2pm, NNE/4/3pm, NE/5/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/20knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3057' soaring ceiling/2pm.
25% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +180° cross.
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
10:36 am observation: ENE 19-31 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
As expected, by 3:45pm wind near the 650' launch started turning to ENE,
building to 13-17 mph by 4:15 pm and increasing after.
Saturday: Bad: ENE/17knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Bad: ENE/9knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/1/16. 10:49am
Sunset at 5:03 pm.
RASP: ENE/29knot(10mAlt)/2pm, ENE/32/3pm, ENE/31/4pm. E/11mph/2pm, ENE/13/3pm, ENE/10/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/20knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2652' soaring ceiling/2pm.
15% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to -135° cross.
Warning: Strong
Santa Ana winds.
10:42 am observation: ENE 23-38 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
After 12:45 pm, wind direction became bad near the 650' launch.
At 2:15 pm 20-28 mph ENE wind was recorded.
Friday: Bad: ENE/25knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Bad: E/11knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/1/15. 10:30am
Sunset at 5:02 pm.
RASP: ENE/17knot(10mAlt)/2pm, E/14/3pm, E/13/4pm. ENE/3mph/2pm, ENE/8/3pm, ESE/13/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/25knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2557' soaring ceiling/2pm.
25% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to -113° cross.
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
10:25 am observation: ENE 25-41 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
After 1:15 pm, it was no longer launchable,
direction switching to ENE and gusting to 20 mph by 2 pm.
Thursday: Bad: ENE/33knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Bad: ENE/17knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/1/14. 11:46am
Sunset at 5:02 pm.
RASP: ENE/42knot(10mAlt)/2pm, ENE/45/3pm, ENE/49/4pm. ENE/25mph/2pm, ENE/33/3pm, ENE/38/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/25knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
5% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to -135° cross.
Warning: Strong
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
As expected, not a flyable afternoon.
At 2 pm, about 50 mph East wind, 2 miles W of LZ.
Wednesday: Bad: ENE/34knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Bad: ESE/10knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/1/13. 11:36am
Sunset at 5:01 pm.
RASP: ENE/19knot(10mAlt)/2pm, E/12/3pm, SSE/7/4pm. ENE/16mph/2pm, NNE/15/3pm, NNE/16/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/25knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
25% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +158° cross.
Double the wind strength from ENE between us and Banning this afternoon.
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
11:30 am observation: ENE 22-40 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
After 4:10 pm conditions near the 650' launch deteriorated,
with wind of 10-15 mph NE by 4:30 pm.
Tuesday: Bad: ENE/51knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday: Bad: E/22knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday, 2014/1/12. 10:35am
Sunset at 5:00 pm.
RASP: S/7knot(10mAlt)/2pm, SSE/7/3pm, SSE/7/4pm. WNW/6mph/2pm, NNW/5/3pm, NNW/6/4pm, Mostly sunny / Sunny / Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/20knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2456' soaring ceiling/2pm.
30% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -135° to +112° cross.
In an eddy of 21 mph E wind between us and Banning.
If the eddy does not form, we could be in either
Santa Ana winds.
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
No one seen flying when I looked.
Cloudy (more than forecasted) skies not favorable to thermal lift.
Recorded wind was poor, either W (45° cross) at 5-6 mph or SW light (2-3 mph).
15-19 mph NE gust at 4:30 pm near the 650' launch.
Monday: Bad: ENE/25knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Bad: ENE/49knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday, 2014/1/11. 7:59am
Sunset at 4:59 pm.
RASP: WSW/5knot(10mAlt)/2pm, W/5/3pm, W/5/4pm. W/6mph/2pm, W/6/3pm, W/6/4pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
Light wind. Consider hiking to a higher launch.
Launch early (no later than 2pm) for better wind direction and chance of thermals due to cloudiness.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Mike launched at 1:00 pm from the 1500' and flew 1 hour 45 min, up to 5000'.
Other PG pilots had 30-70 min soaring flights, also using a higher launch (1000' or higher).
Sunday: Bad: ENE/14knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Bad: ENE/25knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/1/10. 12:43pm
Sunset at 4:58 pm.
RASP: SSW/4knot(10mAlt)/2pm, SSW/3/3pm, SSW/3/4pm. WNW/20mph/2pm, W/19/3pm, W/18/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2842' soaring ceiling/2pm.
50% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -22° to +67° cross.
RASP predicts we will be in an eddy of 10 mph E wind in Banning, while other predictors pessimistic about wind direction (WNW).
Full sunshine should allow for thermals, but light wind (RASP) will reduce the time to find them.
Hindsight: Good & Guess.
A P2 pilot launched around 2:00 pm, stayed comfortably in front of the ridge,
and soared for about 20 minutes.
Saturday: Maybe: W/5knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Bad: SSE/6knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain. 22 mph E wind between us and Banning.
Thursday, 2014/1/9. 10:30am
Sunset at 4:57 pm.
RASP: W/7knot(10mAlt)/2pm, W/7/3pm, WNW/7/4pm. NNW/6mph/2pm, WNW/9/3pm, W/22/4pm, Mostly sunny / Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2969' soaring ceiling/2pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +45° to +112° cross.
There is a chance that wind increases from the West (+45° cross) an hour before sunset.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
A few PG soared for a short while around noon (before typical late afternoon launch time)
and reported rough air (due to cross W-WNW base wind).
No soaring flights later, cloudier than predicted and wind being W to NW.
Friday: Maybe: S/3knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Good: WSW/5knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/1/8. 11:54am
Sunset at 4:56 pm.
RASP: WNW/3knot(10mAlt)/2pm, WNW/3/3pm, WNW/5/4pm. WSW/3mph/2pm, WSW/4/3pm, WNW/4/4pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: SW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2566' soaring ceiling/2pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
Light wind. Cloudiness reducing thermals.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Soarable if you used the 1000' launch.
Flight report.
Thursday: Good: SW/9knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Bad: SSE/5knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday, 2014/1/7. 8:10am
Sunset at 4:55 pm.
RASP: SW/5knot(10mAlt)/2pm, SW/5/3pm, SW/5/4pm. WSW/6mph/2pm, W/5/3pm, WSW/5/4pm, Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
40% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +67° cross.
Launch early (1-2pm) to rely on thermals, due to light wind and cloudiness.
Consider hiking to a higher launch (800' or 1000').
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
It was completly cloudy (more than forecasted) all day, so almost no thermic activity.
Perfect for speed flying (even early afternoon), but no altitude gain possible for the paragliders who flew.
Wednesday: Maybe: SW/4knot/3pm. Cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday: Maybe: WSW/5knot/3pm. Sunny, 20% chance of rain.
Monday, 2014/1/6. 11:54am
Sunset at 4:54 pm.
RASP: ENE/15knot(10mAlt)/2pm, ENE/13/3pm, ENE/13/4pm. ENE/10mph/2pm, Calm/0/3pm, NNE/1/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: ENE/20knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
20% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +158° cross.
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
11:45am observation: ENE 23-40 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
After 3:30 pm conditions near the 650' launch deteriorated, with wind of 20-25 mph NE by 4:00 pm.
Tuesday: Maybe: WSW/3knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain. Light wind & cloudiness not helping.
Wednesday: Maybe: SSW/3knot/3pm. Moastly sunny, 10% chance of rain. In an eddy of 15 mph E wind in Beaumont.
Sunday, 2014/1/5. 11:20am
Sunset at 4:53 pm.
RASP: ENE/23knot(10mAlt)/2pm, E/12/3pm, ESE/9/4pm. ENE/8mph/2pm, ENE/17/3pm, ENE/17/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/25knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
15% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to -113° cross.
Warning: Strong
Santa Ana winds.
Observation: Wind near 650' launch recorded a 16-20 mph NE gust at 11:00 am.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
One early (11am) 20 mph NE downward gust, then the standard 6 mph SW in rotor near 650' launch,
until 4:20pm for a switch to NE.
Monday: Bad: E/14knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Tuesday: Maybe: SW/4knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain. Light wind & cloudiness not helping.
Saturday, 2014/1/4. 11:13am
Sunset at 4:53 pm.
RASP: WSW/3knot(10mAlt)/2pm, WNW/4/3pm, W/3/4pm. WNW/4mph/2pm, WNW/4/3pm, WNW/5/4pm, Partly cloudy / Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: Calm/0knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction +22° to +67° cross.
Launch early (1-2pm) to rely on thermals, due to light wind and cloudiness, and get best wind direction (gets worse after 2pm).
Consider hiking to a higher launch (800' or 1000').
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Challenging to gain altitude from 1000', but then reached 6000' and flew 2 hour 15 min..
Flight report.
Sunday: Bad: ENE/27knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Monday: Bad: E/10knot/3pm. Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday, 2014/1/3. 10:59am
Sunset at 4:52 pm.
RASP: SW/3knot(10mAlt)/2pm, SW/4/3pm, SW/5/4pm. NNW/4mph/2pm, WNW/4/3pm, WNW/4/4pm, Mostly sunny / Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: WNW/5knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
45% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction 0° to +112° cross.
Launch early (2pm) to rely on thermals, due to light wind and increasing cloudiness in last daylight hours.
Consider hiking to a higher launch.
Hindsight: Bad & Sure.
Challenging to gain altitude, but then reached 7000'.
Flight report (with picture).
Saturday: Maybe: WNW/3knot/3pm. Mostly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Sunday: Bad: ENE/18knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Thursday, 2014/1/2. 11:59am
Sunset at 4:51 pm.
RASP: ENE/18knot(10mAlt)/2pm, ENE/18/3pm, ENE/19/4pm. Calm/0mph/2pm, ENE/2/3pm, Calm/0/4pm, Sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/15knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 2260' soaring ceiling/2pm.
30% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to -135° cross.
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
11:50am observation: NE 15-24 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
No pilot reports.
As expected, wind changed at 1/2 hour before sunset to ENE at 8-11 mph.
Friday: Good: SW/5knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Saturday: Maybe: WSW/3knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
Wednesday, 2014/1/1. 11:20am
Sunset at 4:50 pm.
RASP: E/16knot(10mAlt)/2pm, E/15/3pm, ENE/18/4pm. Calm/0mph/2pm, ENE/3/3pm, NNE/1/4pm, Sunny / Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
NOAA: E/15knot/4pm.
SoaringPredictor: 3239' soaring ceiling/2pm.
30% chance of soaring late afternoon.
Comment(s): Wind direction -158° to +158° cross.
Warning: Moderate
Santa Ana winds.
11:05am observation: ENE 21-34 mph at Poppet Flats (behind mountain).
Hindsight: Bad & Guess.
No pilot reports, nor pilots seen flying around 2pm.
As expected, wind at 650' launch was a light (about 5 mph) SW and decreasing,
until a change at sunset to ENE at 18-22 mph.
Thursday: Bad: ENE/20knot/3pm. Mostly sunny, 0% chance of rain.
Friday: Good: WSW/5knot/3pm. Partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain.